20. Are you InZayn?

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After five long hours of non-stop practice, we finally get a break. Everyone collapses backstage to recover before performing for the judges.

"I can't feel my legs," I groan, throwing myself into the chair next to Louis.

"At least you can't feel them," Liam says, stretching with a wince. "My back feels like I'm eighty."

"Does anyone have a band-aid?" Jade limps over on one leg, lowering herself into a chair. "I've got a massive blister, and it's killing me."

"I think I've got something in my bag," Daisy says, taking a sip of water. "Hold on, I'll grab it for you." She heads off to find her purse.

"Grab one for me too!" Harry yells after her. "Look at this."

I glance over, only to find Harry sitting on the floor with his foot stretched out in my direction. There's a small spot of blood on the back of his heel where his shoe has rubbed it raw.

"Ew, gross! Get that foot away from me!" I cry, turning to bury my face in Louis' chest.

"Mate, that's disgusting," Louis says, holding his nose dramatically. "I can smell it from here."

Jade bursts into laughter, drawing everyone's attention.

"What's so funny?" Liam asks.

"Amber," she giggles, "is terrified of feet. All feet. Even her own. You should see her at a pedicure—it's hilarious."

Harry quickly hides his feet while Liam and Louis look at me, confused.

"Feet are like... weird hands with tiny fingers," I try to explain, shuddering.

"Uh, I guess I kind of get it," Liam says, though he still looks perplexed.

"I'm not scared of feet," Louis jokes, "but I am scared of the smell coming off Harry's."

"Oh, I bet yours are just as bad right now," Harry retorts, laughing.

"Here you go," Daisy announces, returning with the band-aids. She hands one to Harry and another to Jade before sitting down beside her.

"Thanks," Jade says, peeling the wrapper off. "I owe you one."

"Has anyone seen Laelynn?" Daisy asks, glancing around.

"I think she's doing her interview," Louis replies, pointing to the far end of the hall. "She'll be back soon."

Before anyone can respond, the door opens, and the schedule coordinator steps in, clipboard in hand.

"No way," Louis groans. "Already?"

"They're starting with the boys," the man announces. "You're all expected on stage now!"

"Jesus, that was fast," Harry says, hauling himself up from the floor.

"Guess they're trying to tire us out early so we'll be in bed by eight," Liam jokes, grabbing a water bottle. "Like kids at a birthday party."

We laugh as we all make our way to the stage together. Just as we're about to step on, Laelynn appears at my side.

"Hey, I'm back! Did I miss anything?"

"Only Amber's fear of feet and Harry's smelly ones," Liam teases, earning a laugh from Laelynn.

On stage, we wait for the judges to settle into their seats.

Brian takes the microphone. "Judges have arrived!" Brian cheerfully says, "I believe it's time to show them what you got."

"Brian, Louis and I will be this afternoon's judges." Simon leans forward, addressing us with a smile, "The challenge here is not to judge if you can dance or not. It's to get you experienced in performing. We'd like you to stand out from the crowd, because to be a performer you've got to be able to do everything."

"Can we have all the boys? All the boys category on the floor." Brian calls out. The boys shuffle into position as the rest of us girls move to the sidelines to watch. "Okay here we go, music." Brian says and takes a seat.

The music starts—"Smooth Criminal" blasting through the speakers—and the boys begin their routine. I can't help but laugh as I watch Niall energetically bounce through the moves, his enthusiasm outweighing his coordination.

"Look at Louis," I whisper to Jade, pointing at him. "He's dancing like he's alone in his bedroom, completely unbothered."

"He's definitely having fun," Jade agrees.

Wait where's Zayn? Oh my god Zayn's supposed to be in the line in front of Harry and Louis. He's not there.

"Girls I gotta go pee." I quickly lie and turn around to step away.

"Hurry, though," Laelynn warns. "We're next."

"They still have to switch lines, I'll be quick." I smile at her and run off.

I run backstage. My steps slow as I spot Zayn sitting alone in a chair, arms crossed and a defeated look on his face.

"Hey, you," I say gently, stopping in front of him.

He glances up. "Oh, hey. I remember you from the auditions."

"Why aren't you out there?" I ask, sitting down beside him.

"I seriously don't want to do it. I just hate dancing." he mutters, staring at the floor.

Luckily for him all members of one direction are terrible, terrible dancers.

I try not to laugh. "Yeah, it's hard. But you've got to at least show the judges you're willing to try."

"But I just feel like an idiot." He says defensively, shaking his head, "I tried learning all afternoon and when I'm on the stage I see all these people that are better than me and I just... feel not good enough."

"You are good enough," I insist. "The judges don't expect perfection. They just want to see effort."

"No I just know I'm gonna do it wrong. Because I don't know it." he says stubbornly.

The music stops in the distance, signaling the end of the boys' routine.

"That's probably your cue," Zayn says, slumping further into his chair.

"Well, I don't care. If you're not going, neither am I," I say, crossing my arms and mirroring his posture.

He sits up straighter, looking at me like I've lost my mind. "Are you insane? You have to go. You're good at this. Don't throw away your shot at this."

"Aha! See?" I grin. "Now give yourself the same advice."

Zayn opens his mouth to respond, but the door swings open, and in walks Simon with a camera crew in tow.

"Zayn?" Simon says, raising an eyebrow. "Why aren't you on stage?"

Zayn sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I can't dance."

Simon steps closer, his tone firm but not unkind. "You can't just hide back here, Zayn. You're ruining this for yourself. Don't let fear ruin this opportunity."

I stand up, giving Zayn an encouraging pat on the back. "I'll leave you two to talk."

As I walk back to the stage, I can hear Simon continuing to speak to Zayn, his voice growing softer but no less resolute.

"You're better than this, Zayn. You just have to try."

I really hope Simon isn't too hard on him. He's just scared to make a mistake, like all of us.

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