23. Evening Walk

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Dinner was a blast, and even Zayn started opening up. By the time we finished, everyone was lingering, reluctant to call it a night.

"So, what are your plans for the evening?" Louis asks, leaning over the table to address the group. "You know, since Simon let us off early today."

The girls and I exchange glances. "Haven't really thought about it," I say, shrugging.

"I was planning on calling Mum and turning in early," Jade says, yawning as she props one foot on her chair.

"Sleep does sound good," Daisy adds. "I'm in the middle of this book, and I really want to finish it."

"Boring!" Harry blurts out, turning to face them. Then he looks at the rest of us. "Come on, let's do something fun. It's only half seven." He checks his phone for confirmation.

"What are you suggesting, Harry?" Liam asks, stroking his chin like he's deep in thought.

"I don't know... maybe we could go somewhere?" Harry shrugs.

"Wow, what a solid plan," Zayn jokes, smirking.

"You guys do whatever you want. I'm heading back," Jade says, standing.

"I'll come too," Daisy agrees. "Bye, guys! See you tomorrow." She smiles and follows Jade out of the cafeteria.

"So, where do you want to go?" I ask Harry.

"I don't know. Maybe just a walk?" he suggests.

"Perfect! I've been craving a cig anyway," Louis says, immediately standing. "You guys coming?"

I glance at Liam, and he looks back at me.

"Yeah, let's go for an evening walk," Liam says. Zayn and Laelynn both nod in agreement.

"Let me grab my coat," I say, rising from my seat. Louis beats me to it, grabbing my coat from the back of my chair.

"Here, let me help you," he says, holding it open for me to slip into.

"Thanks," I reply, smiling as I slide my arms through the sleeves.

As we pass through the lobby, Louis jogs ahead, followed by Zayn, Laelynn, and Harry. Liam holds the door open for me.

"There you go, little Teacup," he says with a playful grin as the cold air hits my face.

"Thank you... Tea Spiller," I reply, chuckling.

"Tea Spiller? Really?" Liam laughs, letting the door swing shut behind him.

"I thought of 'Teabag' first, but that felt worse," I say with a shrug.

"HA! No, not the Teabag," Liam laughs so hard he nearly doubles over as we catch up with the others.

"Here, luv," Louis says, handing me a lit cigarette.

"Thanks, Louis. Always taking care of me," I say with a smile.

"Don't think of this as 'taking care of you.' You know those things will give you cancer, right?" Harry chimes in, shaking his head.

Oh Harry to be young and naive. Addiction is a real thing.

"Gotta die of something," I reply with a shrug, taking a drag as we start walking.

"True that," Laelynn agrees, the click of a lighter following her words.

"You smoke?" I turn to her, surprised.

"Sometimes," she laughs. "Mostly when I'm drunk."

"But that's not the case right now, is it?" Zayn teases.

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