The unknown side (Itachi Oneshot/Lemon)

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This one is for Popcornlover012 and LOL_naruto-fan. Hope you enjoy :) and I'm sorry for the wait. Also for my new readers, if you didn't notice it before then there WILL be a lemon(sexual content) in this so if you don't like it then don't read it. Please enjoy!


  Dark, quiet, and most of all mysterious, this man intrigued you. You knew, that somewhere past his cold exterior, there were bound to be some type of emotions. Perhaps he just needed a little encouragement to reveal them. Although, he may not be aware of your feelings for him, he held quite a special place in your heart, and you hoped that one day, you would have a special place in his heart as well. Sighing to yourself, you jumped off of the roof and headed inside the base. As you entered the main room you found a few of the other members watching tv. Taking a seat next to Kisame, you decided to bug the shark man about Itachi's whereabouts. "Hey Kisame" you said while poking his side. Quirking an eyebrow he turned to look at you "Hey _(name)_, is there something you need?" He asked while you kept poking him. "Well, I was wondering... Do you happen to know where Itachi is?" you asked hopefully. "Sorry to disappoint you. But I haven't seen him since we got back from our mission" he replied. "Oh.." You said quietly, and looked down sadly. Noticing your behavior, Kisame spoke up. "Perhaps you should just tell him how you feel _(name)_" "W-what?? What do you mean??" You asked as your cheeks flushed a violent shade of red. "Oh come on, I'm like your best friend, I can see how you feel about him." It was true, Kisame was your best friend. You were kind of skeptical about befriending him at first, but after being around him awhile he had gained your trust, and actually turned out to be an amazing friend. Feeling embarrassed, you hid your face from him. "Oh, don't do that...hmm alright well how about this. Why don't I help you win him over? Since you seem to be soo smitten with him"  Kisame said casually. "Really!?" You asked and hyperly hugged him. "You would really do that for me?!" "Of course I would _(name)_." He replied. "Thank youuu!" You squealed and hugged him even tighter. Unknowingly a certain someone had entered the room. Now standing next to the couch Itachi cleared his throat. Catching your attention, you turned to look at the raven haired man. Feeling your cheeks heat up again you hid yourself under Kisame's arm. "Oh hey Itachi" Kisame said, chuckling a bit at your shyness. "Whenever your done with....whatever it is your doing..(looks at you hiding under Kisame's arm) I need to speak with you, to discuss the preparations for our next mission." Itachi spoke emotionlessly. "Alright, fine. I will meet you in the meeting room in about 15 minutes." you heard Kisame reply. Peaking out from behind his arm, you watched as Itachi walked away. "You can come out now" Kisame spoke while grinning madly. All you did was stick your tongue out at him in a playful manner. "Guess you better not leave Itachi waiting" you mentioned and stood up. "I guess not, but just you wait, I will find a way to get you two together" Kisame stated deviously and stood up as well. "I know you said you'd help me, but we will see how that works" you replied and headed in the direction of your room. I wonder what Kisame has planned, you thought. Laying down on your bed you closed your eyes.


Opening your eyes, everything was blinding. Not to mention your head ached terribly. "Where am I?" You said aloud weakly. Even your own voice sounded foreign. Blinking your eyes you tried to sit up, only to have a pain shoot through your side. "Don't rush yourself, it will only make it worse." a dark voice spoke. You felt a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you back down on the bed. Blinking your eyes a few more times, you were finally able to focus on the dark figure standing next to you. Who was this man? Why were you here? Staring at his cold expressionless gaze, you examined his appearance. What struck you were his eyes. So familiar...he kind of looks like Sasuke, you thought, and then it hit you. This must be his older brother...Itachi Uchiha. Why was he here though? "What do you want with me?" You spoke weakly. "It wasn't I who wanted you, it was our mission to capture you and bring you back" he stated coldly. "Your name,.. It's Itachi isn't it?" You asked quietly. Glaring at you with discreet curiosity he asked "You speak as though you know me, yet we've never met before now, how is it you know my name?" You stared into his eyes tiredly "I used to be friends with your brother,... Before he disappeared" you said barely above a whisper. Not many people would of caught it, but there had been a faint glimmer of sadness in Itachi's eyes. "Is she awake yet?" A different voice asked from the doorway. Turning your head to look, you noticed a tall blue skinned man, who slightly resembled a shark standing there. "She is" Itachi spoke lowly and exited the room. The blue man approached you curiously. "Don't let his mood get to you, he's always like that, I'm Kisame by the way" he spoke and gave you a toothy grin. Even his teeth with sharp. Interesting. "I'm _(name)_... "

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