Chapter 2

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*I will update when i get 3 votes*

Harry's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and sat up in bed to turn it off. I thew the blanket of of me and headed off to my bathroom down the hall from my room. I jumped in the shower washing my hair and body. I head back to my room and change into tight blue jeans and a white T-shirt. I ran my fingers through my curls looking in the mirror, once they looked decent I pull on some socks. I run down stairs and am greeted by the sight of my mom reading a book on the kitchen table.

She gave me a warn smile as I grabbed an apple from the bowl in front of her. "Good morning baby, how did you sleep?"

"Fine mum" I walked up to her and kissed her cheek and slipped on my shoes and grabbed my bag. "Bye mum!" I heard a 'bye' and quickly jumped in my car and tossed my bag in the passenger seat.

I had just recently got my licence but I was happy I did. Me and my mum had just moved to Doncaster to get away from my abusive father. She had finally decided enough was enough when he put me in the hospital with a severe concussion.

I pull up to the school and park in the back since I was a little late and jump out and look around. It was then I realised I didn't know where to go. I spotted a guy with straight sort of 'Justin Bieber' hair with brown puppy eyes. He looked friendly so I walked up to him and taped his shoulder.

"Hello?" He turned back around so he was facing me again.

He smiles at me and gave me a surprised look. "Hi, are you new? I don't think i've seen you around school before."

I smile at him and nod, "Yes i'm new, do you think you could show me to the office? If you don't mind of course."

"Yeah sure I don't mind, I'm Liam by the way." He held out his hand and I gladly took it.

"Harry." We walk to what he said was the office and I received my schedule.

"Who do you have first block?" He asked me after I received my schedule.

"Mrs. Britt Calculus," He nodded and pointed to a door down the hall.

"Her room is just down that hall, I've got Science next. See ya later Harry, hope everything goes well."

"Thanks bye." I head down the hall to the door he said was my next class. I knocked and the door was opened by a beautiful lady with long brown straight hair with matching brown eyes, who looked to be in her late 20's. I would definitely find her hot if it were not for the fact I'm gay.

She stepped outside and shut the door behind her. "Hello you must be the new student I was told about!" She smiled brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile back, she was so nice.

"Yeah," I nodded and looked at the ground.

"Well come in!" She opened the door and motioned for me to go inside."Alright class we have a new student today! This is Harold."

I walked in and scanned the classroom, my eyes instantly met a pair of beautiful cristal blue eyes. He was gorgeous, I smirked and sent him a wink. His eyes went widened comically and he started staring at his desk, "Call me Harry."

"Alright Harry take a seat next to Louis and we can carry on with our lesson." I looked around and saw only one empty seat right next to the gorgeous blue eyed boy whom I now knew as Louis. I sat down next to him and look over at him. He looked over at me and and I gave him a warm smile, to which he returned.

"Hey so your names Louis huh?" I whispered over to his he nodded and I noticed a blush appear on his face. I smiled wider and winked at him again. His blush deepened so I declared myself a small victory. "So you want to show me to the rest of my classes? I would like to get to know you better."

" U-um s-s-sure." He whispered to me and even though he was only whispering I could tell his voice is wonderful, I wanted to hear more.


After class I hurried and packed my stuff up and followed Louis. "Hey so what classes do you have?" I smile at him while walking with him down the hall he retaliated with a small, and cute smile at made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Um I-I have Zoology next t-then I have study hall then Spanish 4A and gym 4B." I glance down at my schedule and notice we have the same classes. I took back at him and notice him watching me and smile brightly at him showing of my dimples.

"We have all the same classes!" I cheer a bit to loud making him giggle. I smile even more at the sound that my cheeks are beginning to hurt. We walk down the hall and he goes into a room that a presume is my science class he sits at the back and sit right next to him.

I notice Liam walking in the room with a blond bloke and wave him over. He sees me and waves back and starts walking over to me. I glance at Louis and see he is staring at his desk intently. I frown and poke him in the shoulder. He looks up at me warily.

"You alright?" He mumbles a' yeah' and looked back down. Before I can say anything else Liam sits in front of me and blondie in front of Louis.

"Hey Harry did you find your way around okay? Make any new friends? Oh yeah this is Niall he's a friend of mine." He questions giving me a friendly smile to which I return. I glance at Niall and give his a smile.

"Yeah, Louis here showed me around and we have all classes together." Liam glance over at Louis and gave him a smile which he did not return just looked back down. Before any one could say anything else the teacher walk in and began the lesson.

After class I followed Louis to the next class. I was about to ask Louis if he was alright when a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey faggy!"

*So that's it! And if you wondering Block schedule consists of 4 blocks that can be separated. Until next time my lovelies!!!*

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