Chapter 6

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Louis' POV

We were in gym but there was no teacher. Weird. I look over at Harry to see him confused as well.

Suddenly the doors open and a man who looks to be in his late twenties, his hair styled in a quiff, walks in. "Alright you little cunts! Sit down and shut up!"

What? Is he our teacher! I look at everyone to see them all looking at our 'teacher' in shock. He glares at all of up but smiles through it. He then starts to burst out laughing, clutching his sides. What the fuck?

"I-I'm sorry - Your faces- fuck!" He keeps laughing, tears in his eyes. What is wrong with him? Is he mental or something?

He finally calms down and looks at us amusement in his hazel eyes. "I'm just fuckin' with you all. I don't give a fuck what you do, just don't bully and fight. Okay? Okay." He walks over to the bleachers and sat down and started reading a magazine.

"Oh yeah, I'm Mr. Malik!"

"What just happened?" I ask, resulting in a few giggles from Harry, Liam, and Niall. Also some glares and surprised looks from other students that aren't used to me talking.

'That's because pricks like you shouldn't open there mouths. Just shut up and stop being such a burden.'

I sigh, feeling every ounce of happiness and energy being drained from my weak body. I start feeling the familiar empty feeling, knowing that the voice is right.

"Louis? Are you alright? Louis? Louis!" My head snaps up to be met by a very close Harry. I realize I zoned out, I look around only to see everyone's eyes on me. Some show worry and other show disgust. Mr. Malik is walking over to us, looking at me with worry and confusion.

I only see the disgust, causing my anxiety to increase. I can feel a attack coming, but I don't want Harry to see. I shove him with all I've got sending his straight on his bum.He yelps in pain, looking at me with nothing but hurt clouded eyes. I run out of the gym trying to reach the toilets, but I'm not that lucky.

I turn the corner, almost to the school and suddenly crash into something hard. I hit my head on the pavement very hard, I look up holding the back of my head but immediately regret it.

I gasp, eyes widening in fear, staring at Chad. He's glaring down at me menacingly, cracking his knuckles.

'You deserve this. Stand up and take it, for Harry. '

I stand up without a thought of my own, but I'm soon on the ground again. I hold my cheek were he punched me, he then brutally kicks me in my ribs a few times. He stops, so I take the chance to curl up in a tight ball waiting for the next blow to come.

But nothing does. I dare to look up and am met by the sight of worried green eyes.

'He save you AGAIN. Pathetic.'

I put my head back down, and curl up in a tighter ball. I hear a sigh and I'm lifted off the ground. I let out what sounds like a squeak and hide my face in his neck.

I hear a few laughs and snorts, peaking behind Harry, I see my classmates are the ones snickering at my pain, along with Mr. Malik holding one of Chad's goons. But no Chad.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. I don't reply, I just bury my face in his neck, inhaling his scent. Fuck he smells good.

"Alright, but I'm taking you to the nurse." He starts walking towards the nurses office when I hear footsteps behind US, I turn to see Mr. Malik walking beside Harry. He catches me staring and gives me a sympathetic smile. I glare back looking behind Harry, to the other students.

I notice them laughing and staring, pointing at me and laughing harder.

'Their laghing at a disgrace. Saved agian. You don't deserve any of this. The friends. The help. The pity. But don't worry, soon they will see how worthless and ugly you really are. Disgusting.'

I know the voice is right, I'm all those things and more. My silent tears stream hotly down my face, but nothing I do will stop them. I'm holding on to Harry like a child, and crying like one.

I let out a broken sob,"Oh Louis." He holds me closer to him, causing my to cry harder. He's so nice. I don't ever deserve to be alive, let alone be in the arms of such a beautiful man.

I'm sat on a familiar bad, also known as the nurses bed. I curl up once again in a ball on the blue sheets.

"Again Louis? Why won't you just tell me who it is?"

I look up to be met with also familiar brown eyes of the school nurse, Mr.Grimshaw.

I end up here at least twice a week, so I really just call him Nick, not that he minds.

"Looks like a minor head injury and bruised ribs." He sighs, "Kid you need to tell me who-"

"We caught who was beating him." Mr.Malik cuts him off.

"Really?" He asks unimpressed.

"No." I confirm.

"Then who was it Louis?" Harry asked me, desperation lingering in his voice.

I stay quiet, silent tears streaming down my face. My heavy breathing turns into sobs and wimpers, muffled since my face is in the pillow.

I feel utterly defeated. I am so afraid, if I tell he'll probably kill me. Also I deserve the pain, both physical and mental that chad inflicts on me daily. I don't deserve to be happy. people will only cause me pain and tears.

I feel the bed dip beside me, a pair big strong arms circle around my waist. I look up with puffy, watery eyes and am met with mesmerizing tear brimmed green eyes. I realize I'm in the lap of the beautiful curly boy.

I sob louder into his chest, I'm full out balling. "Shh Louis, everything's going to be okay. Your so strong, just let it all out. Its okay to cry."

And I do I cry and cry until I can't anymore. Sometime during all the tears, I fall asleep in the arms of my beautiful hero.

*Okay I hope this is to your liking! I wrote half of this chapter on my laptop and the other on my phone. Oh and Louis' subconscious is going to be in these, ' '. Sometimes they may be in italics others times they may not because I can't do italics on my phone but I wanted to update so here you go.:)

this is dedicated to Crystalminser, because she was the first to guess who the gym teacher was! I will officially dedicate it to you tomorrow.

VOTES - 10




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