Ch 12 - One More Thing

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Hunter rummaged reached into the his backpack and along with a couple other candles he pulled out a giant chocolate bar. Birgit's stomach gurgled on sight. 

"You haven't eaten yet, right? I promise I'll get you a burger afterwards to make up for the energy you'll be using here." Hunter gave an apologetic smile as he handed it over. 

As Birgit engulfed the chocolate he placed black and yellow candles beside the white ones. "What's that?" Birgit asked around a mouthful of chocolatey goodness. 

"Candle magic; it's really simple but it should meet our needs." Hunter told her.

"You're not gonna learn anything if these idiots don't tell ya," William sighed. He fixed her with a look and explained, "When practicing candle magic the colors of the candles are very important. White can really be used for anything, but they're mostly used for peace and purification or 'soul' work. Black is a protective sort of magic, usually for repelling evil. And yellow is for, amongst other things, communication. Got that?" 

"Mhm," she nodded. 

"While we're educating her, we should tell her not to reuse candles for different spells." Drake added, following Hunter's movement lighting the other candles. "They've always gotta be virgin candles, unless you're repeating a spell. So if you were creating another protective shield for the four of us you could relight the white candles. And -"

"Not too much," Hunter warned as he returned to his pack. 

Birgit swallowed her last bite of chocolate before she accused him, "You are always keeping me in the dark, what if I wanted to know?" 

"One thing at a time, I don't want you getting confused. I promise I will tell you everything, but right now we have to make sure no one can over hear what I have to tell you." Hunter explained, trying to be reasonable.

She could see in his eyes one more comment would send them into an argument, so she didn't say that seeing him in person was already making her confused. Crumpling the chocolate wrapper in her hand she looked up at him, "What do I need to do?" 

"Okay," Hunter crawled back in front of her. "Most candle magic is visual projection magic, but a silence bubble is more complicated. So you're going to touch that magical part of yourself you discovered with the last spell and you're going to read this spell in a book. After reading the spell you're going to imagine glowing barriers around these walls."

Before Birgit could ask what book he was referring to William handed it to him, with a page selected. "On the right is the english cantation. It'll work, though we're going to have to teach you some ancient languages so you can work more powerful magic."

"You're going to teach me ancient languages?" Birgit asked in surprise. "Like Latin?"

"Well that, and other things." William shrugged, looked Birgit over and then averted his eyes. "I ain't teaching you. Ask these idjits for one of thier other witches."

"Uhm, right." Birgit grumbled. "I'm going to do the other spell and all, but why have me cast the spell when one of them would be better?"

William laughed outright but didn't answer. "Georgie isn't in the country right now." Hunter explained.

Drake gave him a look, and William just laughed again. I shouldn't have asked, Birgit thought. She knew when people were keeping things from her, and now she didn't think she wanted to know.Instead Birgit ground her teeth and set about the instructions she had been given.

The incantation was the worst. Even though it was in English, and she could feel the swelling of her magical powers, she was so selfconscious she began tripping over her words and stumbling. Birgit was annoyed with the writing of the incantation. It may have been to her choppy reading, but she was pretty sure that the author couldn't form a proper English sentence.

"Did it work?" She asked.

It was Drake who took her shoulder and told her, "Job well done, you might just make a decent witch after all. You know, as soon as you get this stuff memorized."

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