Five - Eye-Shadow

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Five – Eye-shadow

Someone once told me that sometimes bad things happen for a reason. That karma's a huge bitch but she's there for a reason. I never believed it; never believed it until I saw it happen right before my own eyes.

"I've decided to take AMCTHG." I told Doris as we slid into the cafeteria tables. She had cheerleading practice today so she was in her blue and white cheer uniform and her deep maroon hair was up in two ponytails—her highlights fresh and shining.

"AM what?" she tilted her head in confusion and stiffed a lettuce leaf into her mouth. Poor cheerleaders; they couldn't experience the joy of junk food.

"Aiden's Miraculous Classes to Transform Hopeless Girls." Damn I was tired of explaining that stupid name to people.

She still looked confused. "Is that like a TV or internet programme or something?"

"No, its apparently a class to help me on my 'self esteem'." I rolled my eyes. "And its organized by some guy named Aiden."

"Who's Aiden?"

"My next door neighbour—haven't you seen him?"

Doris shrugged. "No, never before."

"Well yeah. I decided to take those stupid classes."

She put another lettuce into her mouth. "What do you do there? 'Cause the name doesn't even seem to make sense."

"I know right?" my eyes widened. "It's stupid and I doubt he has any students." Probably wants to get me alone—remind me why I'm taking these classes again?

"Adrianna?" Doris was snapping her fingers in my face. "Are you still here?"

"Oh? Yeah."

"I said where do take the classes? And what do you even do there?"

I shrugged. "I don't know—it may or may not have something to do with my frizzed hair and lack of make –"

"Wait." Doris stopped me, her eyes wide with surprise. "You're taking make-up classes?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Who said that?"

"You said your hair and makeup and other stuff!" she clasped her hands together and squealed.

"Shush. Doris people are staring." I shushed her and whispered.

She giggled and settled down. "I'm so sorry, it's just that—this. This is a miracle. I must take record of this day."

I scoffed. "It's not that big of a deal." I folded my arms haughtily.

"Yes it is. And then maybe you'll join the cheer –"

"Never going to happen."

She pouted. "I know,"

"Besides, just cause I take the stupid classes doesn't exactly mean I'll start putting on make –"

Someone snorting mockingly made me pause. I turned to see Baileen eavesdropping in on our conversation. Sigh, what did that girl want?

She let out a huge laugh that was mocking and deceitful. "You? No matter what you do Adrianna, you'll always be ugly." She said with a smirk.

Okay I was going to lose it. She's the fake blond who dyes her hair every week and probably takes series of Botox injections every month and I'm the bad guy? Psh.

"Get the hell away from here Baileen, unless you want another get another plastic surgery after school." Doris hissed at her.

She looked appalled. "Mind your own business Doris. This has nothing to do with you." She spat back.

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