Nine - Converses

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Nine – Converses

"Here's what we're going to do," Aiden told me as we stood in the hallway at 8:00 in the morning.

I had totally forgotten that I was not a morning person last night when I'd accepted that stupid pancakes versus waffles contest. Aiden didn't forget too because he'd appeared on my door at eight with a huge smile and the whole ready for battle attitude. Like seriously, a girl freaking needs sleep.

"First off; we'll have three things to decide... we'll start at your coffee shop place first."

I stifled a yawn and blinked up at him. "Deli's doesn't open on Sunday mornings. And it's a diner, not a coffee shop bozo." I told him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes it does. They have quick to-go on Sundays." He eyed me suspiciously. "I should know; I go there every Sunday."

Ah, that explains why I've never seen him; he only goes there on Sundays. Sunday's my day off. "Well that didn't work."

He gave me a knowing smirk. "I had a feeling you were trying to coax me into letting you sleep in a few hours."

I cleared my throat, stretching my arms. "What? No."

"Right. Besides, who the hell isn't awake by eight?" he asked in disbelieve.

I gaped at him—I had now figured out why Aiden was weird. He wakes up before eight, before the freaking sun! That must be the reason why some nuts in his head were loose. "Who the hell is?!"

"Whatever Adrian. Anyway, here's what we're going to do –"

"You already said that." I interrupted him and rolled my eyes.

"Stop interrupting!" he pouted and stomped his foot on the ground like a five year old. "There's a list of three things; one: we go to Deli's and ask approximately as many customers as we can their opinions on pancakes and waffles."

I nodded in agreement. That seemed pretty simple. Hans loved waffles—he was already a sure vote, I could just threaten the rest or bribe them with free food for a week. Easy peasy.

"Two: We have a contest to see who can finish a stack of five in a minute. Bonus: we see which food can go higher –"

"That's stupid." I deadpanned. "How the hell does gravity count? And I didn't say anything about any bonus rounds Aiden so we're freaking skipping it 'cause its unnecessary."

He shrugged. "You really are no fun."

I scoffed silently. Yeah because throwing food up in the air like a bunch of idiots was 'fun'.

"Anyway, three: we'll eat each other's food—I'll have three waffles and you'll have three pancakes." He finished with a smirk.

"That's not fair Aiden. I hate pancakes and you hate waffles—the reason we're having this stupid contest in the first place, so why do we have to eat it in the end?"

"It's called fighting for your win Adrian." He explained and started walking towards the elevator. "And if you can do it; then you're a true hero."

Bullshit. "You're cheating—I know it." I ran after him. "I won't agree to this you know!"

"If you drop out, it's an automatic win for pancakes. And you have agreed to admit that they are better."

Oh hell no.


I've never been to Deli's on a Sunday—but I did know a few things that went on when I wasn't around. Just like Aiden had said; the shop was closed and the only thing that was open was the little window that was huge enough to take orders and deliver to-go. Like a little drive-by dive kind of shop. I knew Amanda didn't work on Sundays, so I wasn't surprised when I saw Gill behind the window—taking and delivering orders. I didn't really talk to her that much considering she just came in and I didn't know if she liked waffles or not but I was going to take my chances and get her on my side before Aiden.

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