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I refuse,
Absolutely refuse
To believe that I'm broken.
Bent? Yes.
Broken? No... Not yet!

Never going to
Let you have that satisfaction.
I will keep smiling
While knee deep
In tears.

You can keep trying
To break my spirit...
Don't bother wasting
Your time.
I will keep smiling
Even when I'm tired of it all.

I will not let you break me.
I will not let you
Turn me against myself.

I didn't choose this life
Didn't choose these challenges,
But still I will be not broken
I will make the best out of it
I will keep smiling
Because I only have one life to live.

Author's note:
In case you're wondering about what the heck the title meant, it means a person who fakes a smile. Thanks for reading! Sm;le!

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