Prologue. - The Surface. - Page 21.

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Toriel gasps in amazement and smiles with happiness and hope on her face. She thinks to herself. It has been so long.

She says.

"Oh my..."

Asgore thinks to himself. Finally we are all free. Now we can begin life anew.

Asgore speaks with a happy expression as well.

"Isn't it beautiful, everyone?"

Alphys speaks up next with relief.

"Wow... it's e-even more better than on TV." She smiles really big and speaks more. "WAY better! Better than I ever imagined!"

Undyne stares at the Sun in amazement, she says to Frisk.

"Frisk, you LIVE with this!?"

She closes her eyes and smiles, speaking more.

"The sunlight is so nice... and the air is so fresh! I really feel alive!"

Papyrus speaks to sans in a curious tone.

"HEY SANS..." Papyrus looks at Sans with a curious expression and says in a confused voice. "WHAT'S THAT GIANT BALL?"

Sans replies with a big smile, sounding confident and relaxed.

"We call that, "the sun," my friend."

Toriel thinks to herself, hearing that feeling confused. "That's odd, how does Sans know about the Sun, if his brother does not?" Toriel feels like something is behind her, she briefly turns around and sees nothing there. Nobody noticed her turning around. She feels something cold on around her shoulders for a moment after she turns back around to face the sun.

She assumes it is her imagination, just the outside air and excitement of everything around her. Until, she hears an uncanny raspy, deep and mysterious whisper, a language she does not understand, it sounds familiar to her somehow.

"☟︎✋︎💧︎ ⚐☜ ☜ ☟︎✌︎💧︎ ☟︎✌︎🏱︎🏱︎☜︎☠︎☜︎👎︎ 👌︎☜︎☞︎⚐︎☼︎☜︎✏︎ ☹︎☜︎✌︎✞︎☜︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ ☟︎🕆 ☜︎☟︎✋︎☠︎👎︎.︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆 ⚐ ☜☜☼ ☟☜🏱 ☜✞☜☼⚐☜ ☟☜ 🏱☼⚐☜ ☟☜☼☜ ☜"

English Translation: "Th︎i︎s︎ moment in time h︎a︎s︎ h︎a︎p︎p︎e︎n︎e︎d︎ b︎e︎f︎o︎r︎e︎!︎ l︎e︎av︎e︎ t︎h︎e︎ h︎u︎m︎a︎n︎ b︎e︎h︎i︎n︎d︎.︎ y︎ou can do better! and help everyone in the process, there is still time!"

She turns around again and the cold feeling is gone. She turns back to everyone else, nobody seemed to have noticed her behavior and actions. She decides to forget it for now and focus on what lies ahead for her and everyone else. Hope.

Papyrus replies feeling happy and full of hope.


Asgore speaks to everyone.

"I could stand here and watch this for hours..."

Toriel replies with a smile, not towards asgore but the subject.

"Yes, it is beautiful, is it not?" Toriel thinks about before and about everyone else. Her face turns to concern, she keeps her face calm as possible.

"But we should really think about what comes next."

Asgore replies immediately.

"Oh right." with a look of agreement. He speaks to everyone around him. "Everyone. . .This is the beginning of a bright new future. An era of peace between humans and monsters."

Asgore looks at Frisk and he says in a serious tone.

"Frisk I have something to ask of you. Will you act as our ambassador to the humans?"

Choice:( Be the Ambassador?) "Yes" or "No" In this route/timeline. I choose "Yes"

Frisk nods. Papyrus happily says in a loud voice.


Papyrus happily runs off from them. Sans says to everyone else.

"Welp." He looks at them. "Someone's gotta keep him from getting into trouble!"

He winks and says.

"See you guys."

Sans walks off oddly behind them. Undyne says in an annoyed tone.

"Man, do i have to do EVERYTHING!?"

She laughs and says. Papyrus, wait!!!

Alphys says to Undyne. "Hey, Undyne!! Wait up!!"

She runs after them full of excitement.

Asgore says out of nowhere.

"Whoops." He looks over at Toriel and Frisk and he says. "Uh, should i do something?"

Toriel gives him a glare with a hateful expression. She thinks to herself. "Did you really just ask this question? Go away Asgore!"

She is silent towards him. ". . ."

Asgore replies in a nervous tone.

"Well, gotta go!"

Asgore turns around and quickly runs where Undyne and Papyrus went. Toriel looks and sees Sans disappear, instead of going past the trees. She thinks to herself. "Did I just imagine that or did sans just disappear!? I must be really tired, but from what?"

Toriel looks back at Frisk and she says with a gentle smile.

"It seems that everyone is quite eager to set off." She looks back at the sun with Frisk for a moment and then looks down at them, she says.

"Frisk . . .You came from this world right...?"

Frisk nods. She speaks more but now with a look of concern and worry.

"So you must have a place to return to, do you not? What will you do now?"

Choice: 1. "I have places to go." Choice: 2. "I want to stay with you." (I choose 2.)

Toriel looks shocked and she says.

"What? Frisk...You really are a funny child. If you had said that earlier, none of this would have happened. It is a good thing you took so long to change your mind."

Toriel giggled for a moment, she says.

"Well...I suppose. If you really do not have any other place to go...I will do my best to take care of you, for as long as you need. Alright?"

Frisk nods.

Toriel smiles and says.

"Now, come along. Everyone is waiting for us."

They walk together down the mountain. Toriel sees sights she hasn't seen in ages, Frisk is now silent, Toriel has that eerie feeling again, but once again decides to ignore it. 6 years later..

End of UnderVanquish's Prologue.

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