Prologue. - Goodbye Asriel. - Page 19.

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Frisk taps your shoulder. You speak to them.

"...why are you still here? Are you trying to keep me company? Frisk..." Asriel is silent for a moment. "Hey. Let me ask you a question. Frisk...Why did you come here? Everyone knows the legend, right...? Travellers who climb Mt.Ebott are said to disappear."

Asriel is silent again for a moment and then speaks with concern in his voice towards Frisk. "Frisk. Why would you ever climb a mountain like that? Was it foolishness? Was it fate?"

His expression gets upset. "Or was it...Because you...? Well. Only you know the answer, don't you...?"

Asriel sighed silently.

"I know why Chara climbed the mountain. It wasn't for a happy reason. Frisk. I'll be honest with you. Chara hated humanity. Why they did, they never talked about it. But they felt very strongly about that."

Frisk pokes you, to talk again. You talk to them.

"Frisk. ..You really ARE different from Chara. In fact, though you have similar, uh, fashion choices...I don't know why I ever acted like you were the same person. Maybe...The truth is...Chara wasn't really the greatest person. While, Frisk...You're the type of friend I wish I always had. So maybe i was kind of projecting a little bit. Let's be honest. I did some weird stuff as a flower."

Asriel stops speaking for a moment, then he speaks more.

"There's one last thing I feel like I should tell you. Frisk, when Chara and I Combined our SOULS together...The control over our body was actually split between us. They were the one that picked up their own empty body. And then, when we got to the village...They were the one that wanted too...To use their full power. I was the one that resisted. And then, because of me, we...Well, that's why I ended up a flower.

Frisk...This whole time, I've blamed myself for that decision. That's why I adopted that horrible view of the world. Kill or be Killed. But now...After meeting you...Frisk, i don't regret that decision anymore."

Asriel smiles and says. "I did the right thing. If I killed those humans...We would have had to wage war against humanity. And in the end,everyone went free, right?"

His face gets sad and he says.

"I still feel kind of sad knowing how long it took...So maybe it wasn't a perfect decision. But you can't regret hard choices your whole life, right?"

He sighs with a sad expression for a moment.

"Well, not that i have much of a life left."

He speaks more with a slight smile.

"But that's besides the point."

Frisk pokes them again. Asriel smiles and talks more.

"Frisk, thank you for listening to me. You should really go be with your friends now, OK? Oh and, Please...In the future, if you uh, see me...Don't think of it as me, OK? I just want you to remember me like this. Someone that was your friend for a little while. Oh, and Frisk...Be careful

In the outside world, OK? Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as it is here. There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. Frisk...Don't kill,and don't be killed, alright? That's the best you can strive for. Well, see you."

Frisk nudges you, right as you attempt to water the flowers and assume they are going to leave. You look at them with a sigh and speak.

"Frisk...Don't you have anything better to do?"

Frisk sighs, they wave bye and Asriel waves back in return.

Frisk is gone, some time has passed by. Asriel is alone, he resumes watering the flowers. Feeling sad. He looks up at the sky and he thinks to himself.

"I did it, everyone is free now. Mom and Dad are happy now."

He sighs and looks back down at the flowers, a loud booming raspy voice says.

"☜︎︎✞☜☼⚐☜ 💧︎︎ ☟🏱🏱✡︎︎📪︎︎ ☜︎✠︎︎👍︎☜︎🏱︎❄︎ ☞⚐☼︎ ⚐🕆︎︎✏︎︎" English Translation:"E︎︎VERYONE IS︎︎ HAPPY︎︎,︎︎ E︎X︎︎C︎E︎P︎T︎ FOR︎ YOU︎︎!︎︎" Asriel jumps startled, with a scream. "AAAAAAH! W-Whos there!?" He looks around confused and frightened. Everything goes back silent. Asriel looks around some more and finds nothing. He runs back to the flowers crying in fear,full of heartache.

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