chapter 18 : Religious wars arc prt 1

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In Asia China (Beijing):
There is A Secret Religion called the Path of Passion . It is Buhdist themed .
The Leader of that Religion is a special grade Monk By the Name of He-Xun.

The path of passion has just one serious
Policy. Punishment for all who sin and
Who are Attached to worldly possessions.

He xun used to be a former Blood thirsty Assassin Before. He still hasn't changed and uses his Religion as a facade to lure in vulnerable people.

Now there is a particular Religious group Alanna Offended in China during
One of her past missions and now
They want Revenge.

Alanna castrated their leader for saying
Women are weaker vessels. So the entire group seeks her life and now
They are working with the Professor.

Now there is a certain Shady Buisness
Man in Japan named koizumi. He was
Very Wealthy and he had a Daughter
Named Akeno.

Now Akeno as the next heir of his empire because of her gender as a woman Her Father's partners didn't believe in her.

So they tried to kill her severally.
Koizumi worked with the Professor
Blisster Nemesis. So He hired He xun
To kidnap sinmi .

So The professor could then use that leverage over Alanna. He gave him her

So sinmi was a party girl. Who loved to
Groove with Guys of Pdd Diddy's status
. She would usually go to Las Vagas or
New york for vacations.

He xun had a killing squad named Black
Mantis. Which consisted of He , Jinguji
, Mei Huan , Shoko.

Koizumi comes to them when theyAre Having a prayer session

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Koizumi comes to them when they
Are Having a prayer session..

Koizumi : Your orders are to capture sinmi and zoe of Blisster Their Top killers and If possible
Queen Alanna Her self. The Bounty on
Her Head is worth over 50 Million yen

He xun : My Lord I Have been trapped in this Mysterious space for the past five
Years. And I Have been Given a Divine
Vision of your future.

He xun : In the future that woman u Desire to kill Now will end up becoming my Lords Asset.

But As u wish My lord I shall take her.
To that your Loan shark Freind.

Koizumi : One last Thing. I Would like
My daughter to become A Buhdist

He xun : Why is she strong enough

Koizumi : it's not even a matter of being strong or not. As she is Exceptional.
Ile discuss this later My friend fare well.

Mr Koizumi leaves

He xun tells his Freinds to come on out
From Hiding and the Black Mantis Reveals them selves

He xun tells his Freinds to come on outFrom Hiding and the Black Mantis Reveals them selves

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Jinguji The Tiger...

Jinguji The Tiger

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Mei Huan Before....

Mei Huan The Divine Now

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Mei Huan The Divine Now...

Mei Huan The Divine Now

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Princess Shoko...

He xun : Let's prepare our flight and
Punish the sinners.

Shoko : yes Master

Jinguji : This old geezer Better be the one sponsoring our flight

He xun : DIVINE PUNISHMENT for all
Who are NOT of the holy Lord Buhdah.

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