chapter 20 : Religious wars arc prt 2

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As He xun, Jinguji, Mei Huan and Princess Shoko board the flight .

On the plane Jinguji asks He xun why He even bordered to accept the Job
From one of the most evil group leaders in the country.

He xun tells him that the people they are about to capture aren't ordinary
And they are the keys to subduing Blisster.

Just then a couple of Hot flight attendants Katlyin and Mia come to Aid
The passengers

Just then a couple of Hot flight attendants Katlyin and Mia come to Aid The passengers

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Jinguji : Hey Sweethearts what are ur names .

When they told him. He immediately asked for their Number. Mia also asked
About his Freind He xun.

But princess Shoko interupts kissing him and marking her territory .
Mei Huan just asked for tea.

The Battle Between Blisster and Gege Firegunn continues.

Alanna has recovered and she and jinmi
Are chasing gege firegun through the endless waste land.

Days Before the chase..
Rugby and gege are torturing luke in her
Torture chamber. Questioning him on
Every little detail of his life.

Then gege deliberately shows him a picture of Rugby's mother to tell him
How the outside world suffers because of Alanna and her little fantasy.

Day of the chase...
Zoe and Her team are sent to Las vagas
To kidnap Jin Fire Gunn Gege's Husband

Jin is Having a meeting with his fellow
Ministers and are discussing how to
Silence the Rebellion in the U.S

Jin : Men if there is Anything I've learnt  from Battle is u usually find a few Rats around Before the entire  swarn
Makes an appearance.

Meanwhile jin and His Freind Council man Beck are planning to kill the
Governor of Las vagas.

A Bomb goes of in the Building
Zoe and A Bunch of Blisster men Break in and start Showering lead.

Zoe and jin engage in Hand to Hand combat. But Jin is no match for her.
She kicks him in the nut, Does some John wick on him and Ties him up.

As she kidnapps him. Beck chases her
But she uses her Underground Tunnel.
With Lucious waiting for her and shows
Her around town.

Lucious Helps lead zoe out of Las Vagas without getting noticed.

Meanwhile in the wasteland ....
Gege gets Reinforcements now she has 4
Extra special fighters.
Rugby (sniper) , Baron (Elite swords man), Lisa (Shock tropper), Sabrina (elite infiltrator), Derrick (Engineer)

 Rugby (sniper) , Baron (Elite swords man), Lisa (Shock tropper), Sabrina (elite infiltrator), Derrick (Engineer)

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Alanna enters her Helicopter to escape
Once more and leaves Jinmi to deal with
Gege's troops.

He carries more reanimated Dead fighters with him and fights Gege's squad Head to Head .

During the Battle Jinmi Detonates the
Area using Infernal Hurricane a secret weapon killing Almost all of Gege's soilders.

Infernal Hurricane

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Infernal Hurricane...

As He is Heavily injured and walking along the River side He sees a little
Boy drowning and Quickly goes to try Rescue him.

As He's Going he remembers the first
Time he meet Alanna and how she was in A similar situation.

After He rescues him and as his carrying
Him the little boy stabs him with a poisoned knife. It turns out it was sabrina in disguise.

Using Her supernatural Ability to shape shift and she tricked him. He is in shock after realising the truth.

As He falls to the ground. His last words are.
Jinmi : So I was the one who deserved

As He tries to escape sabrina kicks him hard to the ground.

Sabrina : u Gangster. The Reason u lost
Was Because You'd do anything for Her . Even so far as Being a Treat to society.

Jinmi : U piece of shit.
(Coughs Blood)

Sabrina : U Deserve a much more painful Death but I suppose this will suffice.
U live in a world of cheap vibes and Violence.

Jinmi : im sorry Alanna this was as far as I could go  . I will be watching Over U forever.

 I will be watching Over U forever

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Jinmi's Death

Sabrinas (mind) : U really Did love Her.
Didn't u

Sabrina leaves to Regroup with gege
And tells her she has killed jinmi.
They take his corpse in and Dismembere him to get information.

Blissters Base.
When Alanna Hears this she Faints.
And they carry her to the Blisster Hospital.
Largo then Becomes  the temporary Head of Blisster .

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