chapter 16 : Assult arc prt 2

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As gege Fire Gunn and Blisster engage
In the Battle at the desert .

Alanna and Jacob start it off by firing Their machine-guns at ace and Rosarita

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Alanna and Jacob start it off by firing
Their machine-guns at ace and Rosarita
. Jinmi then activates Fatima's signature
Technique march of the dead

And summons 6 reanimated dead fighters from the Neither realm

Fighters names : Ghost skill (invisibility)
Ex general Amy skill (Severing and slicing) ,
Blaze skill ( Duplication and 🔥 wipe) ,

old stone skill ( super human strength) ,

Iris skill ( Emotional Manipulation while in a 6 meter radius),

Chole skill ( flight ).
Jinmi commands them to go after gege and her comrades.

In the chopper from above...
Lutenant : Mrs gege it seems that they are ready to strike

Gege : perfect . Send chopper 3 and 4 to the side. I've been waiting a long time
To kill this b**tch.

Gege then orders porcupine lady to drop
Tear gas from Above.

Gege's Assult

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Gege's Assult..

Meanwhile sinmi With the help of her chain wipe fights Gazelman in an intriguing fight. He's very fast on foot
And proves to be quite the challenge

However sinmi is a litetal Genius and
Comes up with a new strategy.

Sinmi : you know what I'm kind of disappointed . I deserve to fight someone man enough . Not someone
Whom an old lady uses as pawn.

Sinmi : that's just so sad as f**ck

Gazelman : what ii how dare u insult
Me u insolent ass. I'm going to enjoy
Tearing u to shreds . Fuckin whore

Lucious then shoots an arrow and kills
Him from behind. He then tells Gazelman that it's not that deep.

Rosarita carries her RPG and kills over
30 Blisster soilders . She calls them monkeys with no Banana and Bal less

Zoe using her sniper fires at Ace and sends a dart straight to his skull killing
Him almost instantly .

Zoe then takes cover in the forest.
Luke and sozin are in the forest and have already set traps . Literally every where

Rosarita reloads her arms against Jacob
. Just then the enemie's sniper Rugby
Sends a shot at Alanna's tigh and it hits
Rosarita then shots her on her Arm.

Jacob fires back at Rosarita and injures
Her ear. Rugby also takes cover in the forest.

Rugby : let's see who's next .
She sees jinmi and realizes that his one
Of Alanna's most famous subordinates
And wants to kill him.

Rugby then sees luke and shoots him
As he lay down bleeding . Guilt holds her so she goes and captures him.

Sinmi and Jacob are on a high speed chasing down Rosarita. She runs to a
Farmers cabin.

She takes his car and pours petrol in it
. She also rips her shirt off .when they come the fire explodes bluring their vision.

Using the opportunity she escapes into the forest and sees Amy and balze they injure her well. while she runs for her life she gets a flash back.

Rosarita's highschool days.. USA
She was Cheer captain And Honour student .

Rosarita in her early years....

One day she was walking down with her
Best friends jonie and Stephanie and saw a girl getting gang raped by a bunch of hoodlums.

They probably thought they found free lunch when she came to rescue them but boy were they wrong they were
Experienced , Blackbelt martial Artist

They probably thought they found free lunch when she came to rescue them but boy were they wrong they were Experienced , Blackbelt martial Artist

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They beat the shit out of one. And as for their leader Rosarita stripped him naked took his pick and posted him.

Long story short it went viral. And when
The guy went to the police. They entire
Station had a good laugh.

Later Stephanie betrays Rosarita by stealing her boyfriend. Then gradually
Rosarita begins to lose trust in people

The final straw is when her elder sister
Dies of a stroke . That is when she becomes resentful and thinks the world
Is rotten.

And she will rid it clean of all evil.

It was during this period gege discovered her and helped her hone her
Combat potential .

Rosarita continues to flee till she reaches near the river. zoe shoots her on Her back and she falls into the river.

Zoe is then sent to Another location in
Preparation for her next target .

Zoe is then sent to Another location in Preparation for her next target

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Zoe Unleashed....

The information gets spread to All Blisster Agents to cease the Assult
And go and tend to Alanna's wounds.

The blisster guys escape in their chopper in preparation for their next

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