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Neinna watched Fe's slender form disappear behind the castle doors. Sighing, she heaved herself up and collecting the bow, she made her way in the opposite direction.

Neinna tried blocking all thoughts from Fe and-

She needed to finish packing for the expedition. God, she was behind on things!

Neinna quickened her pace and shoved open the gates barring the entrance to her quarters. She strode up the staircase, her small feet barely making a noise, and threw open her door. Although, she regretted it later after it slammed against her wall causing her whole room to shake. 

Steading herself, she formed a small checklist in her head. Going around her room she flung the things into her elfin bag:

Dagger? She slipped it in her belt and placed it next to the door. Check! 

Change of clothes? She knew what Fe would say when he saw this but she shoved it in her bag anyway. Check!

Arthofel? She slipped the tiny bottle of pain-killer between her clothes. Check!

Blanket? Mostly for protection. Check!

Neinna continued going through her list until her bag was crammed and she was out of things to bring.

She regarded the sun, watching it through her window. It was setting behind the trees, giving them a fire-y look. She might as well try to sleep since she would be getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. 

Neinna slid out of her shoes and flopped onto her bed. Her pillow smelled of pine trees and she smiled as she inhaled. She turned over to stare at the ceiling, urging herself to sleep. It didn't come.

Neinna opened her mind to Fe then closed it as soon as her mind wandered free. She turned over, trying to get comfortable. Squeezing her eyes tight she tried to summon sleep once more and it obliged.  

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