Goodbye Turgon

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There was a knock on her door and a voice reminding the sleeping girl that she was running late. Neinna rolled out of her blankets and into her moccasins. Quickly getting dressed, she grabbed her elfin bag and belt and rushed out the door.

Running down the hallway and past the kitchen, she reminded herself that she'd have to eat breakfast later. She soon came to the front of the castle and was met by Finrod.

"It's about time you got here," his fingers brushed back his dark, green hair.

"Sorry, but it's not everyday I get up before the crack of dawn," she pushed open the giant double doors and the wind licked at her hair. Fe was saddled on top of a white horse with Angrod, Gwindor, and Tathar lined up beside him on their own steeds. 

Finrod rolled his eyes and followed her, "this one is yours," he laid his hand on a chestnut horse. The horse whinnied, as if to agree. Neinna nodded and mounted with Finrod's help. 

She felt tall, she smiled at Fe who gave her cheesy grin back. 

She went over her mental checklist one more time, "Shoot! Did anyone remember rope?" 

Angrod raised his hand, "I have, Mistress Neinna."

"Good thinking," Neinna arranged herself so that her bag was tied around her waste. Less of a nuisance since the ride was said to be very bumpy.

"What are we waiting for?" Tathar spoke up.

"The King," Finrod explained, "he has to give us the final permission to leave."

"Speak of the devil," Oropher chuckled as he approached the waiting party, "have you gotten everything you need?"

"Yes Sire," Angrod bowed as best as he could on top of a horse.

"Good, good," he waited a while, thinking, "I guess that's it then! Good luck! Bye!"

"What?!" Fe looked dismayed, "I mean, that's it? You aren't going to give us anything for the journey?"

"Well, Angrod already agreed that you had everything," Oropher signaled to Angrod who also had a look of shock on his face. "I wish you a safe travel," he bowed and turned his back to the party and into the castle. 

With one last look after the KIng, Gwindor kicked his horse and started heading towards the trees. The rest followed him, Fe in the back mumbling about a crazy old man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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