[ Beach Citywalk Fries]
(Steven and Amethyst run towards the counter of Beach Citywalk Fries, as Mr. Fryman is entering the building.)Steven Hey, Fryman, give me the bits!
Mr. Fryman: *flips a "We're Closed!" sign* Steven, we're closed.
Steven :*disappointed* Aww, what?
Amethyst :*hits counter* Give 'em the bits! *chants while continuously hitting the counter* The BITS. The BITS.
(Steven joins in the chanting.)
Steven & Amethyst: *both chanting* The BITS! The BITS! The BITS! *banging on counter*Mr. Fryman: Okay, okay! Take it easy on the counter, will ya? *goes to retrieve the fry bits*
Steven & Amethyst: Yes! *hi-fives*Mr. Fryman: *empties the bits into a paper bag* I can give you actual fries if you want. *hands the bag to Steven*
Steven: Just the bits, please. *takes the bag* Thanks! *Amethyst and him start walking away while eating the bits* Ah, sunset, my favorite time of day. When the sun goes down, and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky.
Amethyst: *bursts out laughing* Yeah, that big hot second su— *long gasps, noticing a strange orb in the sky* Oh no, what is that doing here?
Steven :Huh? What is it? (Amethyst picks him up, causing him to drop the bag of bits.) Ah, my bits! (Amethyst carries him away.
[near Crystal Temple]
(Garnet, San and Pearl, looking through a telescope, are observing the strange orb.)Garnet: This is bad.
San: Wow. I didn't expect them to send one of these here to earth.
Pearl: Look at the size of it, I had no idea these things were so big!
Amethyst:Garnet! Pearl! San! *running towards them carrying Steven then put him down. Then she jumps into San arms and kiss him on the lips*
Pearl *visibly annoyed and a little jelos what Amethyst doing with San* We saw. Some of us are trying to protect humanity. Where were you?
Amethyst:*stops kissing* Eating fry bits.
San: Yes she tells the truth, you can feel it a little on her lips. (Pearl groans.)
Steven:Oh, can I see? *peers through the telescope* Woah. (The orb rotates and opens into a eye.) It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!
Pearl:NOT awesome! It's a Red Eye!
Steven: A red eye?! It's going to infect us all!
Garnet: That's pink eye, Steven. (Amethyst laughs.)
San: And it will kill us all.
Steven: *shocked* What?!
Pearl: It's going to crash into Beach City and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people! We have to stop it.
Steven: What are we going to do?
Garnet *adjusts her visor* The only thing powerful enough to destroy it is a Laser Cannon that belonged to Rose Quartz.
Steven: My mom?
San: Yep*Puts Amethyst Down.
Amethyst: *moans* If Rose were here, this would be so easy.
Pearl :I know, but she's not, and the cannon is missing. We'll have to find another solution.
Steven: If it belonged to my mom, I bet my dad knows where it is. He can help us save the day! (The Crystal Gems are speechless.) Huh? Ehh!?

Steven Universe x Male (ocs)
FantasíaThe Steven universe series and the images do not belong to me.