Chapter 1

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A/N: This is a Predator x Female Human OC, so if that makes you uncomfortable then this story isn't for you. Sorry! I was a little anxious about starting to write this story but I figured that since I started I might as well go for it. I am not really sure how this will go down, meaning this will be quite the adventure for you and me. The beginning will be a little rough but I hope you will hold through with me. Anyway, review so I know what you guys think! Plus reviews/comments make me write faster! Can't wait to see what you guys think! See ya next update!

Fear was rampant in the room as twenty-five women sat huddled in corners, some alone, others in groups. There were murmurs of death and torture. Daisy thought that a ridiculous notion.

They had informed them that this was absolutely necessary unless they wanted destruction. They being the people from the government. Them being the women. Those causing the destruction? An alien race that for some reason wanted the women.

Daisy was finding that the other women constant idiotic murmurs were driving her crazy. It wasn't that they didn't have a right to be frightened, no, it was the fact that they actually thought that they could do anything now. Now that they were thousands of hundreds of miles in space and away from earth.

The shuttle they were on gave a spurt and sputter causing high squeals to echo and further grate on her nerves. Annoying, very annoying.

Daisy's dark almond shaped eyes darted around the room stopping when she spotted a small fragile looking female. She couldn't have been older than twenty with her mud brown mid length hair and bangs covering her eyes. She seemed to be shivering with fear and nervousness.

Daisy couldn't help but pity her. The female was small compared to the other women in the shuttle. The other women were athletic or over weight, but not heavily so. Daisy was among those who were overweight, in fact before being taken from her life she was a prominent plus size model. She adored her body completely and she was confident in her looks, but never arrogant. If anyone dared look down upon because of her excessive curves she would simply stare at them blankly making them look like idiots.

She was self-assured and right now she was sure that there was no getting out of her current situation. Meeting the aliens. This is what distinguished her from the others and that small female cowering in the far corner. Daisy let out a sigh that was a mixture of frustration and nerves. To take her mind off the impending doom she carefully examined her waist length dark brown hair, that when in the sunlight could be mistaken as a murky rouge. Finding no split ends she once again studied the other women.

There was a tallish blond woman who for some reason made her feel as though the girl would be a real bitch. It could have been that she had these icy blue eyes that made it seem as though she didn't have a soul or maybe it was simply the way that she seemed to glare at anything she laid her eyes on. When her ice blue eyes raised to meet Daisy's there was instant dislike glimmering in the cold blue one's.

Shifting her eyes away from the blonde's cold gaze Daisy thought back to her life. It had been quite enjoyable. She had lived with an awesome, supporting, family. Her work had been her favorite thing since all she had to do was model clothes and being a plus size model meant that she had to maintain a weight and shape of someone who was plus size. It was honestly no problem for her. Lately she had been given more jobs and her life had been looking even better.

Should've known that it was too good, she thought darkly to herself.

It had only been yesterday when she had been visited in her nice beach home in sunny southern California. The feds had not been very understanding of her shock, frustration, and anger when they had told her that she had to come with them and leave her life behind. They had sworn that her job and other personal matters would be taken care off since she would never come home. Her frustration had grown when they had refused to tell her why they were taking her. The woman and man in their black suits had very threateningly told her that she had had no choice but to go with them. It was of national priority.

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