Chapter 6

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A/N: So . . .I'm back! Haha, yeah, I know I have been gone a long time but I am back now and that's what's important. Please don't hurt me! Try not to be bitter that I have been gone so long and enjoy this chapter.

The repetitive sound of a fist colliding with a punching bag was the only noise that Daisy could hear. Her eyes trained on nothing but the inanimate object that took the beatings. She could feel the ache in her hands from the continual force that she hit the bag with. Finally she stopped and leaned against the object that had been subjected to her forceful hits. Her eyes travelled around the room. There weren't many people or Predators, her eyes landed on the Predator section of the gym room. There were only three of them there practicing throwing their spears or discs. She shifted to look at the women, many were busy exercising. Her mind still had trouble processing the situation she was in. How was it even possible that she was on a ship with alien race and working out with them like it was normal? Her mind ran back to the conversation she had had with Natalie and Jennifer the day before.

"What if we try to escape?"

There had been a silence that seemed to strangle the three women. Perhaps it was because the suggestion had come from the most unexpected person, Jennifer. Or, maybe, it was simply a surprise that they had waited so long to ask that question. More than a month, and yet they had waited so long. WHY? Perhaps it had to do with the thought that if they failed at escaping the punishment would be too painful to imagine. It could have been that, or maybe it was something worse. Maybe.

"We would never succeed." Natalie spoke finally, after minutes of silence.

"Why not?" Daisy questioned. There were two parts waring inside of her, the part that wanted to see her family again and return to her planet, the other that thought of Th'vk and the agreement they had made.

"Because they hunt for a living – humans are on that hunt list! A small group of humans would be nothing for them." Natalie started to pace, she shook her head. "But, it doesn't mean we shouldn't try." She looked up at the other two women.

Jennifer fretted with her hair as an outlet for her anxiety. "So, are we actually going to do it? Escape." The last word was barely a whisper.

Natalie had a devilish smirk spread across her lips. She folded her arms over her chest, "I'm ready when you guys are."

We are so crazy, Daisy thought, crazy and suicidal. She hit the punching bag harder, wanting to release some stress. Her mind was still trying to find where she stood on the matter. There was, and always would be, a side of her that wanted to go home. Her mind would often drift to her family. She wondered how her family had taken the news - if they had been given the truth. If they were told the truth she was sure they would have been absolutely livid. She imagined that many other families would be in the same position as hers. Was the government being protested? She really hoped so, giving up millions of women without telling anyone would hardly go unnoticed and would not have been taken kindly to.

We have a right to escape. We never chose this, she reasoned with herself. So what if Th'vk had been more charming, as of late? It didn't matter that at times she would walk into the room to find him petting HoneyBear who would have her head on his lap. Th'vk bringing breakfast to her when she slept in wasn't anything special. She was conflicted, very much so. The big bad alien that had chosen her now made her blush when she thought of him. God, I really hope this isn't Stockholm.

Putting the equipment away she continued to contemplate the situation. Daisy knew that the warm feeling she had every time Th'vk did something like play with one of the dogs was a sign that she was starting to like him. But, was it enough to stay? Could she live knowing that she never tried to escape from her captors without ever trying at least once to have her freedom, to return to her family and everything she had ever known?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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