Chapter 3

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A/N: Once again you guys have given me a lot of love so here is the next chapter. Don't forget to leave reviews because I love them!

When she opened her eyes she was shocked at what she saw. Th'vk stood not too far away from the bed maskless. His head was more oval in shape then the mask had let on. In the place of lips were mandibles. His forehead was large and around his crown were ridges. Th'vk's eyes were sunken but their color was still visible, a reddish brown. There was no nose that was visible giving him the appearance of a supremely muscular, and alien, version of Voldemort. I have seen worse, she chanted to herself to keep from squealing. Voldemort's definitely uglier, as she had barely finished that thought he opened his mandibles. No, they are pretty tied. Nothing was spoken as she continued processing his appearance. Th'vk moved away and placed his gauntlet on. He tried to talk with Daisy. "Good morning."

Daisy couldn't believe he had said something so human. She was silent before she remembered to answer. "Ah, yes. Good morning." Her brain was having trouble comprehending that she had just had exchanged pleasantries with an alien.

"Go freshen yourself. We must head to breakfast." He turned away from her to carry out his own business.

She stopped him. "Can I ask something of you?"

If he had eyebrows they would have raised. "You just did." She choked down an annoyed sigh. He continued, "What is it?"

Daisy stood from the bed and noticed how his eyes traveled along her body. Taking a breath she started, "I was wondering if I could regain some of my things."

He nodded, "Make a list."

"Wait!" She exclaimed to keep him from turning for her. "If it was possible could I get a pet, like a dog?" He was silent for a disturbing amount of time. "I just want one to take care of, you can think of it as an investment. It would make me happy and a happy me in the long run is good for you. Good for our bet."

The last bit caught his attention. He consented. "Very well."

Daisy threw her hands in the air. "Thank you!" She immediately rushed to freshen up.

Grabbing new clothing she entered the bathroom. The bathroom was extremely spacious with a large round tub in the far left corner. To her right was a shower. She contemplated both but chose the shower as it would allow her to finish faster and stay on Th'vk's nicer side. It took her about ten minutes to shower. She did not have her usual shampoo and body soap so she made do with the bottle that clearly had human writing. It seemed as though the aliens had taken some consideration about the needs of the women.

Standing with water dripping down her full curves she noticed something that she hadn't given much thought to before running into the bathroom. She had forgotten to bring in a towel. Her eyes darted around frantically looking for something to dry off her body with. Giving up she simply put the clothes on despite being wet. Daisy crinkled her nose at the feeling. There was just something wrong about dry clothes making contact with damp skin. The pattern on her clothes were similar to that of a cheetah. Daisy had always thought it to be a tacky pattern for clothes but there was something nice about these. Perhaps because it was authentic cheetah skin. Daisy decided not to think too much about it.

Exiting the bathroom she saw Th'vk sitting on the bed waiting for her. There was something very mundane about the gesture. Something comforting. His head turned in her direction.

"I was wondering if you had a towel, or something to dry my hair with." She quietly asked. Daisy felt as though she had been asking way too many question that day.

Th'vk grunted, standing he moved to one of the dressers that were built into the wall and opened several then turned to face Daisy while simultaneously pressing his wrist gauntlet. "Your basic needs should be present in these drawers. If you lack anything write it on the list you will give to me later."

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