Chapter 5

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter! Next one is on the way. Don't forget to review

There was a groan in the room as Daisy shifted in bed. There was an ache in her lower gut. The pain was an effect of her uterus lining being ripped out from her as her menstruation was beginning. It put her in a foul mood. Standing, she grabbed a clean change of clothes, a towel and a pad, before heading straight to the bathroom. Turning on the water she watched as it fell over her body. The hot water easing her tight muscles, her cramps slowly leaving. She sighed in relief. Why did periods have to be so god damn painful? Lathering her hands with the shampoo she washed her hair. Time felt slow as she was in no rush for the shower to end. After an admittedly long time she decided that she rather not be pruney and exited the shower. Quickly drying herself she then put on her clothes. She went back into the room and threw herself on the bed. She definitely needed more rest.

There was ruffling around her. She froze, wondering who was in the room with her. Then realization came back that it was only Th'vk. Her husband. Mate. But, for the time being he was a roommate-slash-courter. It was definitely the weirdest relationship she had ever been in or one of the few. One could look at it however they wanted. The Predators had gradually relinquished their control over the daily lives of the women, leaving them to care themselves. One thing Daisy had noticed was that they did not eat every day, or every meal. They, the Predators, ate once every few days, it was a startling fact to find out. Only eating once every few days seemed like torment. Speaking of food, she was becoming very hungry. "It is time for you to eat." Th'vk announced. Daisy only grunted in response, there was no way she was going to leave the room. Hungry, or not, she would stay in bed and rest. "Are you not hungry?"

Daisy turned her head to view Th'vk. Her eyes were slightly narrowed. "Of course, I'm hungry! Hungry, bleeding, and in pain. You know, just like every menstrual cycle." She replied haughtily. Her head started to hurt.

"You are injured?" He questioned as he tried to approach her.

Her head snapped to look at him to warn him not to touch her. She sighed, "Do you know what a menstrual cycle, also commonly known as a period, is?"

"No." He grunted, no doubt finding it distasteful that she knew something that he did not.

Daisy rolled around to lie on her back, so that she would be able to look at Th'vk while she explained what exactly a menstrual was. He studied her carefully as she went on. He drank in her every word. When she finished she closed her eyes to rest. She always tired easily on her period. "Then, if you were pregnant you would not be on this . . . period?"

Slowly opening her eyes she eyed him suspiciously. "Yes, that is correct," she nodded. He better not go there, she glowered.

"Would it not then be better to be pregnant?" His response spoken slowly, knowing it was not the smartest thing to say but not being able to help himself.

"No, it would not be better if I were pregnant." She grounded out, chest huffing. "If anything, I would no doubt be even crankier than I am now." I can't believe he actually went there, the jerk!

"You are aware then, that you are being aggravating." He stood with arms crossed over his chest.

Her eyes widened and then narrowed dangerously. "Excuse me?" Daisy growled, giving him only one chance to take back his words.

He stood quiet for a couple of seconds before he gave a sigh. It was an odd sound coming from him, almost like he was choking. "I apologize, I should not have insulted you." His voice carried some truth to what he said but Daisy knew he wasn't completely sorry.

Who could really blame him? Daisy knew that she could be a bit abrasive on her period. "I kind of deserved it." She admitted reluctantly. Her response gave Th'vk a pause. "But, don't go thinking that all women are cranky on their periods or because of their periods. It is a preconception sure to get you kicked where it hurts the most." She finished warningly.

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