Chapter 17

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Niall was timid in his steps as he walked the familiar route.

He was in a grey hoodie, his hood up, covering the mess that was his unstyled hair, bags under his eyes and his skin so much paler than usual and the fabric of the sleeves pulled down over his palm, and his fists balled up holding it there.

He was taking small steps, the snow was thawing out on the ground, and fucking hell it was Easter, why was there still snow? The london weather was so fucked up.

Niall stopped outside the door, dropping his hood and peering timidly through the glass window into the coffee shop.

There he was, his hair fluffy, falling over his forehead messily like he hadn’t even bothered styling it that morning.

Niall closed his eyes, thinking back to the last time he saw Zayn’s hair un-styled and natural. It had been a while.

*Niall’s flashback*

Zayn got out the shower, tight black boxers clinging to him as he towel dried his hair.

Niall smiled at him. “Ready to go?” Niall smiled.

“No.” Zayn stated. “Lets just, stay here?” He said, dropping the towel to the floor, Niall wanted to point out how Zayn was the ‘clean’ one, and him messing up the room would mess up the relationship dynamics completely, but he didn’t.

“I told Liam we’d go on the double date. And I’m already ready!” Niall exclaimed, pointing to his perfectly coiffed hair(imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) that he’d been working on since before Zayn even went for his shower, he knew he wasn’t good enough to be by Zayn’s side, wasn’t pretty enough, but he really did try to be enough for Zayn, enough so that people in public don’t look at him in disgust and think ‘what would someone like THAT be doing with someone like HIM?’ And Niall asked himself the same question daily actually.

Zayn took three stepped forward with a playful smirk, stopping when he was invading Niall’s space, so he could feel his body heat against him.

"And you look great." Zayn whispered, leaning in, looking like he was going to kiss Niall.

Niall's eyes instinctively closed and then he felt Zayn's rough hands running through his hair quickly, his eyes shot opened quickly, shocked and outraged, eyes watering. "I..." Niall whimpered, turning towards the mirror and looking at the cheap dyed blonde hair now sticking up in every direction.

Niall sobbed once, eyes going wide, the blue eyes looking heartbreakinglyinnocent.

"Oh, baby. I didn't mean..." Zayn started.

"N-No! I get it, I shouldn't try look as good as you! I'm sorry!" Niall whimpered, messing up his hair more and pulling the shirt he was wearing off.

"No, that is definitely not why I did it. You always look better than me!" Zayn said, pulling him close. "You're effortlessly perfect, it's not fair." Zayn said, accompanying his words with a cute little pout.

Niall couldn't supress a giggle, shaking his head. "Nobody ever looks better than you!" He said, childhood innocence shining in the shy smile on his soft lips.

"That's a lie, because you always do." Zayn smiled.

"I don't lie!" Niall protested. "You look better, honest!" He said like a child who'd just been accused of something like eating the last cookie.

Zayn chuckled pushing Niall onto the bed. "You know what happens to liars in this house?"

Niall frowned and shook his eyes.

Zayn's fingers started to slowly brush over Niall's skin and then. "They get TICKLES!!"

Niall started writhing and giggling as Zayn's fingers moved against his skin, his legs kicking and his head shaking. "Stop!!!!" He giggled. "No! Zaynie! Please!!"

"Say you look better." Zayn warned, his hands letting up for a few seconds. 

"Never" Niall gasped as Zayn's fingers started to move again. 

"Say it."

"No, No, NO!!" He giggled.

Zayn giggled, slumping against Niall's body, 

"You're so beautiful." Zayn whispered. "I just...I wish you could see what I see when I look at you."

Niall blushed. "Wh-What do you see?" 

"I see a beautiful boy, who was brainwashed to believe they weren't perfect, when every fiber of your being, is perfect. All of you. Perfect." Zayn kissed the corner of his mouth. 

"I'm.." Niall began to protest but Zayn pressed a finger to his lip, shushing him. "No, just...shhh....ok? Don't argue something that is a fact." 

Niall blushed, curling up. "Call Liam and cancel?"

Zayn cuddled into his side, nodding. "I will in a minute, just wanna hold you."

Niall giggled, curling into him.

"I love you so much." Zayn whispered.

Niall smiled up at him. "I love you too."

*End of flashback*

Niall teared up, eyes still on Zayn as he worked, he had to walk in or walk away, he couldn't stand here staring forever. 

He took a deep breath, stepping away from the door. "Man. Up." He whispered to himself before pushing the door open, stepping into the empty coffee shop, he wasn't shocked.

It was still early, he shivered at the drastic change from freezing to warm, and Zayn looked up at the tinkling of the bell signaling an entrance of a customer.

His eyes went wide at the sight of Niall and he looked back at the counter. "What can I get you?" He kept his voice smooth and collected, fighting tears.

"I....Is Matt here?" Niall asked, fighting the urge to face palm because he knew he wasn't. Matt was tucked up in their bed because he took a week off to watch over Niall.

"No." Zayn spat harshly. "No, your boyfriend isn't here."

Niall winced at the word 'boyfriend', Zayn was meant to be his boyfriend...

"Oh, I...I'll just get, a...tea? A cup of tea to go please?" Niall stuttered.

Zayn didn't have to ask for more details, he knew what tea Niall would want, and what cream he'd want on top, because he knew his boy...

Niall silently payed and was handed the to-go cup and a packet of shortbread was placed on top. "I didn't ord..."

"I know, but, you look terrible, and they're you're favourite thing to eat, because 'they taste like heaven'" Zayn whispered.

Niall took it reluctantly, starting to walk out of the door.

Each step away from Zayn hurt more than the last, he could hear Zayn's breathing, it was uneven, like he was forcing back what he wanted to say. 

Niall looked over his shoulder at Zayn as he reached the door, Zayn's eyes were pleading him silently not to go, a million emotions in one look.

"I..."Niall stuttered then he let out a sob. "I miss you! I need you! I screwed up! And I'm so so so sorry..."

It took Zayn less than a second to jump the counter and run to him, kissing him lovingly. 

"Fitting. This is the place we had our first kiss too." He whispered before resuming the kiss, loosing himself in the familiar feeling of Niall's lips.

Trigger(n.h/z.m) ~ LarryAndZiallWhere stories live. Discover now