Chapter 5

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It’s suckish and short and i’m sorry. But this week and the next two weeks I’m on a timetable I have to stick to like to the minute.

And my psychologist doesn’t like me writing this and asked me to stop because it triggers me.

(She’s doing something about how organisation my life might help organise my thoughts. And people are making sure I stick to this time table, so I’m having to sneak writing this in when I’m watching TV or something and nobody knows...)


Harry sat opposite Louis, his long fingers tearing up a bacon sandwich he wasn’t eating.

“If he gets sectioned again?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Then he’ll probably get the help he needs.” Louis said softly.

Harry shook his head. “While Zayn stays and breaks without his boyfriend?”

“Zayn will understand.” Louis soothed.

“I really wish you would've told me before you went and told some stupid shrink about Niall’s problems..” Harry sighed.

“You would've stopped me!” Louis shouted.

“Stopped what?” Niall said as he walked in.

“Nothing...” Harry answered.

“No, Niall...we do have something to tell you!” Louis said.

“You have something to tell him, I think we should let Zayn handle it. He won't hit Zayn, and Zayn knows how to keep him calm.” Harry said. “And I had nothing to do with it, because now you go behind my back too.”


Harry looked up at the blonde boy. “We’ll talk when Zayn’s home Niall. Lets go, time for our lecture and you need to eat first.” Harry said with a small smile.

Niall’s mind flicked to yesterday, he saw himself how the others must of as he shoved food down his throat at such a rate he’d hardly tasted it.

Later that night, when Zayn was asleep, he curled up and pinched at his fat, digging his nails into his scars and cried because he was so disgusted with himself.

“I’ll eat later” Niall lied.

Harry sighed, knowing better. He wouldn’t eat.

“Niall, you’re body needs the food, it needs the energy from it.” Harry said in a comforting sort of voice.

Niall shook his head like a child. “I’m not hungry..”

“You are..” Harry sighed.

“Please, don’t make me..” Niall whimpered.

Harry pulled him into a hug. “I won't force you, but you do need to eat.”

“I’ll eat later.” Niall murmured

Harry shook his head, knowing he probably wouldn’t.


Niall dropped his bag onto the floor near the door, cuddled into Harry’s side.

“YOU SHOULD OF ASKED ME LOUIS!” He heard his boyfriend scream.

“YOU’D OF STOPPED ME! HE NEEDS HELP ZAYN!” Louis shouted back.

“I’M HELPING HIM!” Zayn said angrily.

“I did what was right Zayn, I’m getting him help!” Louis snapped.

Niall winced and cuddled more into Harry, who sighed.

He gently pressed a kiss to the top of Niall’s head.

“They are idiots.”

Niall simply nodded in agreement.

Harry walked into the living room. “Stop arguing.” He hissed, sitting down and pulling Niall into his arms.

Zayn cut off the argument as he saw the tired boy in his best friends arms. “What happened?”

“He had seven hours of lectures, he’s tired” Harry glared. “You two are idiotic sometimes. More than sometimes actually!”

“Did he eat today?” Zayn asked.

Niall looked up pleadingly to Harry, and Harry would prefer this being dealt with without everyone crowding around him.

So he lied.

“Yeah, he ate.” Harry lied. “He stole the majority of my chips even after his own lunch.”

Niall cuddled into him with a small smile. A thankful smile.

Trigger(n.h/z.m) ~ LarryAndZiallWhere stories live. Discover now