Chapter 5

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Hey if I have any kian lawley fans/horror movie fans as readers there's a new movie called The Chosen coming out July 24th 2015 check it out. Also Jack and Jack Fans Calibraska comes out July 24th 2015. Skate has a new song you can preorder on ITUNES called Little Bit. Also be sure to check out my Nate fanfic called Being Maloley's Lil Mama.Also I am thinking if I have any Dillion Rupp fans I want to do a Skate Sammy Dj Rupp imagine book. Inbox me if your thoughts. If you think I should inbox me a request as well. Inbox me asking for the Requests template. Also I LOVEE feed back comment like vote inbox me your thoughts.I love you guys. Vote on this chapter so I know who you guys are and I will follow you back and if you have any books I will give you guys shout outs at the end of my chapter. I think I will call my readers my little Lambs because my last name has the word lamb in it. Ok to the story nowwww.
Sammy pov
I had quickly run home to change clothes,I have never visited someone's grave before. I grabbed a white dress shirt and a nice pair of jeans as well as my blacked out vans(outfit shown to the right on the picture). I promised Ash I would take her out for lunch after we visited her mom. I quickly got dressed redid my hair and sprayed a bit of cologne on. Next I brushed my teeth and grabbed some junk clothes to sleep in and a some regular clothes incase my princess needed me to stay the night with her. I went out to my car and started driving,I stopped at a red light and texted Ash.
"To: My Girl💕 : should I pick up Starbucks on the way back for you and skate?"
"From: My Girl💕 : yes please, can you pick me up a Strawberry Acai refresher and my brother wants a strawberries n cream. I will give you money when you get back. I love you"
"To: My Girl💕 :alright and I will swing by and get that,no need to pay me back princess it's a rough day for you and I just wanna make you happy. I love you too. See you when I get back"
I set my phone down and the light turns green a few blocks down I get cut off my some frat kid thank god I have really good reflexes and hit the brakes in time. I park at Starbucks and order Two Strawberry Acai refreshers one for my princess and one for me to try and Skate's Strawberries n cream and pay $13.27 then head back to my car and drive back to Skate and Ashleigh's house.
Ashleigh pov(while Sam was gone)
I decide to take shower to calm me down and to have some time to mentally prepare myself for the day. Once I am out I wrap my hair up in a towel and a second towel is wrapped around my body. I walk out to my closet and pick out a pink and blue dress. The pink part is like am Aztec design there's a thin brown belt and the skirt part of the dress is a navy blue. I lay it on my bed then grab a bra and panties and my nude pumps. Once I a, dressed I walk over to my jewelry box and pull out my mothers gold dream catcher necklace and slip in on as well and my gold arrow ring. I return to the bathroom and dry and straighten my hair then put in my gold rose ear cling earring thing. I pick up my phone and notice I have received a text from Sammy
"From:Sammy❤️ : should I pick up Starbucks on the way back for you and skate?"
I quickly text back.
"To:Sammy❤️ : yes please, can you pick me up a Strawberry Acai refresher and my brother wants a strawberries n cream. I will give you money when you get back. I love you"
Another message from Sammy pops up
"From:Sammy❤️ :alright and I will swing by and get that,no need to pay me back princess it's a rough day for you and I just wanna make you happy. I love you too. See you when I get back"
I roll my eyes and set down my phone and walk over to my full length mirror giving myself a once over.
"You look just like mom baby sis" Nate says appearing in my door way. He walks over to me and sits on my bed. I turn around and look at him
"I miss her so much Nate."I say trying to hold back tears. Nate stands up and wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug
"I know sis I know.So do I, but I don't show it because I have to stay strong for you."He says slowly letting go.
We both take a seat on my bed.
"Remember when mom took those red and green streamers and taped them into a huge X on our doors Christmas Eve so we wouldn't sneak downstairs and open out presents without them." I said
"Remember when we caught dad eating Santa's cookies?" My brother says with a smile.
"They always made Christmas fun. Especially mom she would spoil us."I said with a giggle
"I remember when Sammy and I were 8 I told mom to get you to stop following around Sammy. She said you probably had a crush on him and I told her that's yucky and you had cooties" Nate said and I playfully pushed him over and he erupted in laughter.
"What a jerk you are Nate" I said and pouted. Nate got off my bed and went downstairs I grabbed my phone and followed him and we sat around the kitchen waiting for Sammy. After about 20 of sitting around the front door opened and Sammy could be heard walking across the hardwood floor.
"Baby girl? Nate bro I'm back" Sam calls through the house
"We are in the kitchen"Nate says and Sam soon appears in the room and sets a tray of drinks down in front of me and my brother. Nate stands up and grabs his drink taking a sip. I get off my stool and walk over to Sam hugging him and sneakingly slide some money in his back pocket.
"Thanks Sammy you are the best" I smile up at him and take my drink from the tray taking a small sip.
"Welcome babe, I figured we could all go in my car and I will drop Nate off back here when we head for lunch." Sam says
"Yeah do you think. You could drop me off at dads I wanna check up on him" Nate says
"Yeah man lets go" Sam says
Sam Pov
After about 10 minutes of searching for Mrs.Maloley's headstone Nate Ash and I are all standing in front of it. I stand a little farther back though so Ash and Nate can have some privacy. Nate kneels down and places the flowers we brought down in front of the headstone and starts to talk.
"Ma you'd be so proud of the man I have become. Me and Sammy made it mom. We are out there in LA making music and people love it. We are still in school though but we are making it happen. I wish you were here to see us now, the people we are the things we do. I'm on the basketball team and Ash and Sammy are at everyone of my games." Nate pauses and starts to choke up.
"And Ashleigh ma I wish you could see her now. She's so damn beautiful she looks just like you. I will do anything to protect her because I know that's what you raised me to do. Anyways ma I love you so damn much." Nate then stands up wipes a few tears and walks back to the car. Ashleigh carefully kneels down and tucks some hair behind her ear,
"Hi mom it's me your little girl.I miss you so much it is so hard without you. Dad moved out of the house a few months ago he misses you too much to stay in our house. It isn't the same without you mom. I wish you could see me all grown up like this you would be proud. High school sucks but I am getting through it day my day I am taking one step at a time. Sammy asked me out and I am so happy with him. I promise to visit more but I have to go before I become a crying mess. I love you mom." Ash stands up and walks over to me and I wrap my arms around her. We walk to my car and I help her into the car

After Ashleigh and I get home from our lunch date I carry her bridal style into the house and up to her room so she can change. I head to Nate's room and take off my dress shirt and throw on a plain shirt and her and I cuddle up in her bed and fall asleep.

Ashleigh pov
I wake up to the sound of Sam's quiet snores and smile. I unwrap his arms from around me and go downstairs and bake some cupcakes. Baking helps me get away from the world and just relax,plus there is always a sweet reward at the end. I pop the cupcakes in the oven and clean up my mess then start making the frosting. Once the frosting is done I set it in the frosting in our refrigerator and sit and watch some tv. The next thing I know I am awoke. To our smoke alarm going off and I sprint into the kitchen there is smoke pouring out of our oven.
"Shit I fell asleep and now the cupcakes are ruined" I say yanking out the cupcakes and throwing them out and throw the cupcake tin in the sink and I slide onto the floor crying. I never burn cupcakes ever, heck I never burn anything. I swear this day is cursed it really is every year something bad happens. I cry and cry for ten solid moments before I hear someone calling for me.
"Ashleigh!? Omg baby what happened!?" I hear Sam say and the windows are opened. He sinks down to the floor next to me and picks me up holding me in his lap.
"I-I just wanted to make cupcakes instead of sitting around being depressed and now they are ruined" I manage to sob out
"Oh baby it's alright we can make some later alright come on let's cuddle." Sammy says running my back and he stands up carrying me to the couch. He wipes away my
tears and kisses all over my face. Sam texts Nate telling my brother what happened and then turns on my favorite cartoons and holds me until Nate comes home.

Sorry this chapter is so long it's mostly because of my long authors note at the beginning. Yes I know this is a day late but yeah. This is almost 2000 words omg

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