Chapter 3

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Sammy POV
The next morning I wake up with Ashleigh still asleep in my arms,I have to admit it was a great thing to wake up to. I lightly kiss her head and nuzzle my face in her neck and just lay there.While Ashleigh sleeps I run over in my head how I am going to tell Nate either way I am probably dead. Even though I am his best friend he probably still wouldn't trust me with his sister ,because Nate is pretty protective of her not overly like a prison warden put he has his moments.
"Sammy?" Ashleigh says I didn't even realize she was awake so I sit up at bit and look at her.
"Good morning baby." I smile and lean down to kiss her.
"Morning handsome." She smiles and slides her hand into mine and interlocks our fingers.
I bring our interlocked hands up to my mouth and kiss her hand and she blushes.
"Did you have fun last night?" I ask
"Best night of my life Samuel Wilkinson." She giggles and kisses me and then resumes cuddling into my chest. I wrap my arms around her holding her close and she traces small circles on my bare stomach.
"I have to confess I am not that nervous to tell Nate because no matter what he says you are my girlfriend and I won't stop seeing you." I smile down at her and play with her hair.
"I don't wanna get up."She says and then pouts
"How about I run you a bubble bath and bring you some coffee?" I offer
"That actually sounds amazing Sam."
"Alright then bath it is."I kiss her head and get up from her bed walking into her bathroom
"Cute butt" I hear her call from the bed.
"Thanks babe but yours is way cuter." I reply leaning over her tub to run her a warm bath.After the tub is filled with bubbles and water I stand up and return to her room. I sit on the edge of her bed and put her hair up in a messy bun with the hair tie from her nightstand. Then I stand up and pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bathroom, she looks really adorable because she's only in my shirt I was going to sleep in but I gave to her. I set her down carefully and set a towel by the tub,her bathroom is so much different then mine she has a tub and a separate shower. I on the other hand am perfectly content with just a shower. I leave her to get undressed and get in and I go downstairs to start making her some coffee.I had just turned on the coffee pot because I know Nate will wake up if he smells coffee when my phone buzzes I grab it out of my pocket and unlock to read the text
'From My Girl💕: babyyyy can I have tea instead two sugars and a little bit of cream? I love you 😘'
'To My Girl💕 : anything your heart desires my queen 😘😘'
After hitting send my phone is set on the counter and I walk over to the cabinets and grab a tea bag and put it in a mug then I put the sugar and grab the kettle fill it with some water and place it on the stove turning on the heat.My phone buzzes again and I lean on the counter and pick it up reading the text
'From My Girl💕 : this bath would be better with you in it 😏'
'To My Girl💕 : tempting offer but don't want to be murdered before I can tell your brother'
'From My Girl💕 : I know baby. I love you ❤️❤️'
'To My Girl💕 : I love you too 💚💚 see look I even used your favorite color when I put the hearts'
'From My Girl💕 : cheesey fuck'
I smile and put down my phone and walk over the kettle and pour the water in mug for Ashleigh then refill the kettle with cold water ,and place it back on the off burner so Nate doesn't burn his hand .I get the creamer out of the refrigerator and pour a little in the tea and stir it I remove the bag and throw it out. I make my way upstairs again to the bathroom, and place the cup of tea on the little table thing by the tub. I then sit on the edge of the tub lean over and kiss Ashleigh she smiles and kisses back biting my bottom lip a little as she pulls away.
"Looks like my good girl has gone bad." I say with a smirk
"Good girls are bad girls who haven't been caught Samuel." She replied with a wink.
"I am going to go make myself coffee and make some breakfast enjoy your bath. I will see you downstairs." I tell her and kiss her a few times. Back downstairs I go I just can't help with smile today has been perfect and the day has just begun. I look around and spot the calendar hanging on the wall and see today's date has a sad face in it. When Nate and I were 9 years old Nate and Ashleigh's mom had died in a fatal car crash and today was the anniversary of her death. Since then they were raised by there dad he was a really good dad to them he still but he did have his down moments. He bought a house a few doors down when Nate asked him why their dad says he couldn't live in the house without their mom it had gotten to be too much. This was only when Nate turned 18 so it isn't like they were abandoned. I shake myself out of thoughts and finally make up my cup of coffee and sit at the counter/bar scrolling through my social media.

Nate POV
I had been awake for a hour now crying,usually I am not one to cry because I have to be strong for my little sister.It has been tough since we lost mom I took it the hardest because I was the mommys boy. Today's the anniversary though so I need to suck it up mom wouldn't want me here crying. So I finally get up walk to my bathroom and splash some cold water on my face to wake up I look in the mirror and run my fingers across my scruff. It's getting a bit long I think I will shave tomorrow I think a hair cut too. I like my long hair but it's getting a little too long. I exit the bathroom grab a clean shirt and put it on walking downstairs, I smell coffee and assume my sister is awake but I find Sam in the kitchen in his phone.
"Hey man." I say making my way towards the coffee pot pouring myself a cup
"Hey Nate can I talk to you about something serious?" Sam asks putting down his phone
"Yeah sure man what's on your mind?" I take a seat next to him and face him. He turn to face me and takes a deep breath.
"Nate we have known each other for a long time now. You are like a brother from another mother but I have to confess something." He tells me
"Dude seriously what's up you are freaking me out." I look at him sort of confused
"Nathan I have some serious feelings for your sister and last night wasn't a double date it was just me and her. I asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes." Sam looks at me fearing my answer. I am quite honestly taken back I never expected this to happen.
"Sam I am actually kinda mad you had to lie to me and snuck out with my sister. However if she really means that much to you then I know I can't stop you two. Dude you shoulda came to me and asked me if it was alright though. I don't want you to sneak behind my back." I tell him
"Thank you Nate I can't tell you how much this means to me." Sam smiles and playfully punches my arm.
"If you hurt her though I will rip you apart Wilkinson." I tell him meaning every word.
Ashleigh then enters the kitchen with a cup of tea in hand I smile at her.
"Morning Nate" she says
"Morning little sis you doing ok?" I ask her bringing her in my arms for a hug. She nods and pulls away ruffling my hair and setting her cup on the counter. Sam then gently grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap. His arms go around her waist and he smiles at her. I don't ever think I have seen my best friend this happy before.
"I take it you told my brother because you are still breathing." She says to Sam giggling
"Yep you look cute in my shirt by the way." Sam tells her quickly kissing her cheek.
They actually look pretty adorable together

So when I was asleep I got a new chapter ideas so although I wanna do saturday updates for this book and Wednesday uploads for my Skate Fanfic called "Being Maloley's Lil Mama" so I might be updating both stories a bit today. So enjoy my lovelies if you maybe have any requests for either book inbox me and maybe just leave a comment on the story you messaged me about in the comments box and I will try and put in requests. 😊

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