Chapter 2 - Golden Cape City And The Challenge of the Mole

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"Er-ag-hhhh!, what a well needed nap before our adventure." Kushina yawned as she woke up. She expected to see the inside of her house since she went there to sleep after the big party the towns people threw for her and Graam. However, she woke to see a clear blue sky, "Ahh what the fuck?! Where am I, what's going on here?" She screamed.

"You're feisty, when you wake." A voice that sounded like Graam replied.

She turned to the voice and saw it was Graam. "How'd I get here, Graam!?" She glared at him after rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Well, I was anxious to set sail since I was already delayed by a day. So I came to your house and carried you to the boat this morning and set off." Graam said with an evil looking grin on his face. "I guess you could say I kidnapped you!"


Kushina nailed Graam right on the crown of his head with her fist. "You idiot! Don't mess with me while I'm sleeping, got it?" She cried, "I hope you were smart enough to get me a change of clothes!"

"Yup, I sure did." Graam replied while rubbing his head in pain.

Kushina now somewhat excited that she could get out of the messy clothes she wore to the party. "Where are they?!" She said with a sense of excitement.

"Right here!" Graam held up her the clothes he found in her room. It was a pink sleeveless top that had small strings to hold the shirt on her shoulders and a pair of tight blue jean pants. "Your dad said it was your favorite outfit."

"Yay! Maybe you're not so stupid after all." Kushina squealed. "Turn around so I can change real fast." She then got dressed and pulled her bright golden blonde hair back into a pony tail leaving her bangs in front of her right eye. Her eyes were a dark brown so her hair kind of made them look a lighter color when she had them concealed under her bangs. She then had a thought about what Graam said. "Wait a minute; did you say my dad said it was my favorite outfit?"

"Yup." Graam answered quickly.

Kushina's eyes lit up with a vengeful flame. "SO THAT OLD BASTARD HELPED YOU KIDNAP ME!" She yelled in fury while raising her fist to strike Graam again.

"Wa-Wait, don't hit me again we didn't mean anything by-"

'THONK' 'WACK' sounds of Kushina beating Graam interrupted him speaking.

In a daze Graam muttered, "Oww-uhh, uhhhhh where are we going, mommy?"

"I'm not your mother, idiot. Shake it off already." She snapped at him.

Graam shook his head to clear his mind. "Whew, you hit pretty hard for a girl!" He teased the irritated blonde.

The flame in Kushina's eyes returned and she glared at Graam. "What's that?!"

"Oh, nothing." Graam answered. "But seriously where are we going. I've been looking out for an island for hours now and it seems like we've just been wandering endlessly through the sea?"

"Well I don't know any better than you do. I told you we're going to need a navigator." She replied.

Kushina then stood up in the boat to check the area they were in. Graam was right, there wasn't any land in sight. She looked up in the sky and saw a flock of birds. One of the birds had a rope tied around its neck connected to something that looked like a newspaper. "Look, maybe that bird is heading towards a city." She said hopefully as she pointed at the bird above. "We should head that way, follow the bird quickly!"

"Let's hope its going somewhere worth going." Graam grinned at Kushina with enthusiasm. He grabbed the oar for the boat to row in the direction the bird was flying. He rowed as fast as he could but the birds started to pull away. "Come on Graam they're getting away, we can't lose them or there's no telling how long we will be at sea!" yelled Kushina.

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