Chapter 4 - Pt. 3 - Death's Eyes! Shi Shi Fruit Strange Side Effects.

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----------------East Den Country, Duncan's Assault------------------

Xeron looked up at Duncan prepared to fight. Duncan's illusions now surrounded Xeron without him noticing.

"Theres no escape! All pirates will be slaughtered here before you become a problem later in the world." Duncan proclaimed knowing that this years rookies would be dangerous.

"I have a bit of a problem with that, you see. I just joined this crew and theres no way im letting them die here without causing ANARCHY!" Xeron yelled back as he readied his blade to attack the multiple Duncan illusions.

"Anarchy? Thats a dangerous word to use as a pirate! I can't let you live such a destructive life." Duncan replied.

"Just try and stop me!" Xeron yelled as he charged several Duncan illusions.

Xeron swung his red blade cutting through 4 illusions causing them yo fade away.

' What the?!' Xeron thought to himself.

Suddenly, 4 Duncan illusions rushed Xeron. The first, with a sword in hand, attacked him and went straight through Xeron's body. Xeron was some what shocked that this is how Duncan plans to kill him. The next 2 illusions attacked together, with bare fist. They both slammed there fist into Xeron's gut sending him into the air. As Xeron gasped for air from the attack, the fourth illusion then added on to the assault by slashing his sword at Xeron. Xeron quickly spun arround and guarded himself with his blade. The sound of the 2 blades colliding rang through the air. Xeron and the illusion stared each other down, eye to eye as the fell back to the ground. Underneath Xeron, two illusions stood with swords drawn and rasied to pierce his back as he landed. Xeron quickly knocked the other illusion, that he was guarding against, away to counter attack the 2 beneath him. As he landed, Xeron swiftly cut the 2 illusions to shreds and they both vanished. Immediately after cutting them down Xeron safely landed on one knee wondering how some of the illusions were able to attack and others would vanish. Without noticing 1 illusion rushed Xeron with a powerful kick to the face, sending him tumbling on the ground.

On top of the rooftop where the real Duncan stood as he controlled the illusions, one illusion which was actually a marine in disguise ran up yo him to report what happened with Jack, the young boy pirate.

"Captain! I have a report about the pursuit of 'Brick Fist Jack' sir." the marine said as he saluted his superior officer.

"What is it?" Duncan quickly responded.

"We have a report that Jack and the rabbit creature took out the pursuing team and that we have lost sight of them." the marine reported.

Duncan clenched his teeth in anger from the news. "Damnit!" Forget about him for now. We must apprehend this rigid group of pirates to make up for our failure. Have a troops report here for reinforcement." he ordered.

"Yes sir!" the marine yelled as he saluted before running off to give the orders to the other marines.

---------East Den Country, Rooftop away from Duncan's assault-------

"Looks like the marines lost one of the devil fruit user's we noticed." Yolira stated with a childish giggle.

"You cant expect for the marines to catch them all!" Tangi replied.

"I don't know if you noticed but there something weird going on with that boy and his devil fruit." Yolira teased.

"What do you mean? it just looks like he past out to me." Tangi said seeming confused about his younger sisters remarks.

"There's something strange going on with his spirit and his devil fruit powers." Yolira clarified.

"You can read that much into the devil inside the fruit?" Tangi questioned while looking at his sister like she was crazy.

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