A Hopeful Beginning

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Hello there. If you happen to be reading this then I'm dead. This story is a warning to not get involved with vampires.

Now I know what you may be thinking; 'Vampires aren't real'. Well if they weren't real then I wouldn't have died so touché.

Anyway, this starts off with me walking to school in the mist of winter hoping to claim my date for Valentine's Day.


It sucks when you have snow blowing in your face as you try to get into school quickly without cracking your skull open on the steps. No one would care about a dead freshman anyway but I had a mission.

I dumped my crap in my locker on the second floor then ran into homeroom with only a few seconds to spare.

No one seemed to take notice as I sat down in the back of the class while trying to catch my breath. I had friends in other classes but I was alone here. Luckily, I didn't have any bullies to worry about.

You see, in my high school nerds were actually respected. We had the most clubs, did the best work, and got along fine with even the minimal jocks that attended classes there. Plus, all sexualities were accepted. There was no such thing as a popular group that ruined people's lives and for that I was grateful.

But even with all of these great things, telling your crush that you liked them was still difficult. Let's face it, no matter who you are, love hurts.

I didn't pay much attention to the morning announcements. It was the same old stuff anyway, something about robotics club and stuff about an upcoming sci-fi movie night event.

The bell rang and I ran out to get to my stuff in time. No one likes to get caught up in a sea of people that would toss you to the ground if it meant shaving an extra few seconds off their time.

With my bag in tow, I high-tailed it to English class. It had to be one of my favorite classes of the day despite being so early in the morning. The teacher, Ms.Alan, was great and let us read advanced books so we were far ahead of other classes. I was never bored but that doesn't mean that I was never distracted.

My crush happened to be in the class as well. She sat two seats in front of me and had a smile that made my heart melt. Sometimes she'd flirt, other times she'd never turn around at all. It made me question her sexuality.

You see, I'm a girl. A bisexual girl in fact. Guys are great and girls are too. I was never judged for it. Life was good. She flirted with everyone and messed with people's minds and hearts. Some of the people she dated never showed up ever again. It was odd.

I took my seat and looked up to find her staring at me with a close-lipped smile. Her blonde hair was held in a loose bun and her blue eyes made contact with my dark brown eyes. I stayed in a trance-like state for a moment before placing my stuff on my desk.

Looking around the room showed that the teacher wasn't in yet. I shoved my hand in my bag and pulled out a long stemmed rose. I looked up once more making sure the coast was clear and approached my crush.

"Um, Alice, I was wondering if you'd perhaps like to maybe be my...valentine ?" I stammered the sentence out and felt my face turn a bright red.

"That's very sweet of you to say, Michele. I'd love to actually. I've had my eye on you for awhile now." The way she said this made me feel a little uneasy. Especially the last sentence. It creeped me out a slight bit. Still, I was lucky enough to get this far. I wasn't about to let my nervousness get in the way.

"Really? That's awesome! Um, thank you!" I said while getting back to my seat after handing her the rose. She accepted it with a grin.

The teacher walked in and class started. Our lesson happened to be on Hamlet. No one was bored when Ms.Alan assigned us different parts in the book to act out with a partner. Overall, we had fun.

The bell rang after awhile. As I walked out I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be seeing you after school," said a familiar voice. It was Alice.

I was going to answer when she kissed my cheek and walked away giggling. I stood there for second with a dumb lopsided smile on my face. Someone in the hallway yelled, "Lucky!' In my direction.

I snapped out of it and got to my locker once again, grabbed my stuff, and went about my day. It went by uneventfully and I had almost forgotten the days earlier events by the last bell.

I was getting my stuff when I felt another tap on my back. I turned around to see my crush with yet another odd smile on her face. No one is that happy, it's a fact. I was starting to get suspicious.

"Did you forget about me?" She asked while tilting her head and making puppy dog eyes. She was starting to strike me as the possessive type. Crap.

"No, not at all. I was just about to go looking for you." I lied trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, okay. Since it's Friday you probably have more free time, right?" She asked while grabbing my hand and starting to pull me away from my now closed locker.

" Yes." I replied while trying to keep up with her as we ran out the doors. I kept attempting, and failing, at closing my jacket with one hand.

"Good! Let's go to this cute cafe that you'd maybe like as much as I do!" exclaimed Alice while continuing to drag me up a hill.

I have to admit, it was fun. Well, it was fun until she pulled me aside, pinned me up against a wall, and bit me.

A Nerd's Deadly Vampire Romance (Lesbian Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now