Valentine's Day: This Is How I Disappear

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A dark and clouded sky. Death in the air. I can't see. Pain. More pain. Blood and chocolate. No one wins. Date from heaven ends in hell. The fog clears, I'm slipping away into the snow and through the shadows. She's laughing, crying, regretting everything. I'm gone.

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. It was the second nightmare I had since falling asleep that night.

I flicked my lamp on and looked around my room.

Everything was still in its original place. Star Wars stuff on one shelf next to my Sherlock merch. A detailed mini model TARDIS resided on my bedside table along with a first prize winning robot and some Zelda games. And on my ceiling was a huge collection of band posters including, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, We Came As Romans, and many others. I was such a geek that it wasn't funny.

I didn't understand why I was having so many nightmares about the same thing. I mean, I thought I came to terms with what had happened to me. I even told my mother that I had a date for the next day and she was happy for me. Nothing can shake underlying fear, I suppose.

I assured myself that everything would be fine and fell back to sleep after turning my lamp off again. My sleep remained plagued with twisted images and I was barely able to rest. The date was the only thing that helped me get out of my bed in the morning. Oh how I wish I had forgotten it.

After throwing on a nice outfit and running out the door, I stopped at a local Walgreens and picked up a box of chocolate along with a card and a single rose. I would of purchased an entire bouquet but I wasn't made of money.

I headed off to a local movie theater where we planned to meet up with one another. When I got there she had two tickets in one hand and what seemed to be a gift in the other. I gotta say, she looked great.

Alice wore a dark red long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans along with some brown leather boots. Her hair was free of its usual bun and her face was a little red from the cold.

I stood there in awe for a second before walking into the place with her only to realize that the movie we were seeing was Twilight. Irony overload.

As we sat down I passed her the gifts I got earlier. "These are for you. Do you like chocolate? Also, I got you another flower. Nothing compares to your beauty but a rose compliments you nicely."

She smiled and gave me a hug. "Thank you! I love chocolate. I really shouldn't eat it but I still love it. And thank you for the rose! It's wonderful! Not as wonderful you though."

She snuggled close to me as the room went dark and the movie started up. I put my arm around her. I'd say it was fun but no amount of popcorn made that film any more bearable. Alice made things bearable though.

She'd sigh at all the stupid things just like I did and laugh whenever Edward decided to sparkle while whispering in my ear, "Vampires don't sparkle, the sun doesn't effect us at all."

I'd never been more happy to be with another person in my life.

Honestly, it didn't matter to me on what she was or what she had done to me. So what if she used me for food or claimed me as her own or rushed into a relationship?

You know what, looking this over I now see that I was a complete idiot. No wonder I'm in a coffin now, I couldn't read any of the goddamn signs.

After the movie ended we walked out holding hands. We walked for a while before I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway.

"Here, I meant to give this to you earlier," she said whilst handing me a small package.

The package was wrapped in gold and orange colored paper. Opening it revealed a pendent on a sliver chain. Further inspection showed that it was a bronze locket shaped like a heart. A flowery pattern was carved into the metal. It was overall a beautiful necklace.

"Thank you! You didn't have to get me anything, let alone something this special. You continue to amaze me, Alice. I love that about you." I replied while she helped me put the pendent on.

"I knew you would like it! I've been studying what you like, what you don't like, etc over the school year. I put a lot of thought into this, too. But there's another reason for me taking you here," she said while pulling me closer to her.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head to kiss her. Our lips met and things quickly turned into a make out session. It felt wonderful and passionate.

She bit my bottom lip at one point and drew blood. I barely noticed. I was just intend on having as much fun as possible. I should of payed attention.

Her tongue ran across my bottom lip which made me think that she wanted full access to my mouth. I was so very wrong.

My lips were going to part when she cut things short and made her way down my jawline and to my neck. You don't have to be a genius to figure out what she did next.

I moaned in pain as her fangs pierced my skin and entered my veins. I felt the blood gush from the wound and heard sickening sucking noises as she drank from me.

My eyes rolled back from the overwhelming pain. It was so much worse than the first time. I couldn't fight since I was getting weaker by the second.

Just as I thought I couldn't take it anymore she stopped and watched as I fell to the ground.

The sight of her smiling with blood on her face was the last thing I saw before my world darkened and faded to black.

A Nerd's Deadly Vampire Romance (Lesbian Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now