Pain Is Not The Same As Pleasure

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  To all you Twilight lovers out there, getting bitten by a vampire hurts like Hell!

There's no glory, no fucking sparkles, and it's not painless. Also, the venom thing is completely made up and stupid.

The moment leading up to the bite seemed harmless. It looked as if Alice was going in for a kiss.

"Hey, can you just tilt your head to the left please?" She asked.

I, being the moron that I was, did as she asked. I only realized my mistake at the last second when I felt her teeth clamp down on my jugular vein.

It was like two needles piercing my skin at high speeds. Then I felt some kind of burning sensation. The cold winds blowing around only made things worse.

So this is why she said yes, I thought while trying to suppress all urges to scream in pain. This is why some of those people never showed up again. She killed them.

"Alice," I whimpered through gritted and chattering teeth, "What am I to you? Some kind of snack? Funny, I was going to tell you that my heart belongs to you and yet now you have the power to rip it out of my chest. Love sure does bite."

I was joking and attempting to laugh in the face of my demise.

I was going to lose consciousness when I felt her fangs retract and she stopped. I put a hand to my neck and felt around. There wasn't a single wound to be detected.

Alice looked at me, her eyes had turned completely black and were just starting to return to their normal color, her mouth had a few drops of my blood rolling down it, she grinned a creepy and insane grin. "Would you still like to go to that cafe with me?"

I was going to get up to run but I couldn't. I was still weak from her draining me.

She offered a hand to help me up and I reluctantly took it.

After pulling me up onto my feet, we trudged through the snow and into some coffee shop I'd never seen before.

The decor was a mixed black and red lay out with red velvet couches, wooden tables with black and white chairs around them, a dark gray counter in the back, and a mixed assortment of dark colored curtains covering the minimal windows in the place.

I couldn't tell what it was but I felt like Alice was right at home there.

Maybe it was the way everyone greeted her when she walked through the door, or how the guy working the counter smiled and asked if she wanted the 'regular'. Whatever it was I just didn't know what to think.

"Hey Alice, is that a new friend of yours?" asked the counter guy. I learned that his name was Joe.

"Yes! Isn't she pretty?" Alice answered in a sing-song way.

My face turned a little red and Joe chuckled.

"She's beautiful, you picked out a great new friend." Then, when Alice wasn't looking, Joe summoned me over to the counter and whispered, "Did she mark you at all like on your wrists or neck?"

I shook a little when he said that. "Well, on the way here she...she bit me." I whispered back.

"Where exactly? If it was your wrists then you're screwed. If it was your neck and you've managed to survive then she wants to screw you."

I giggled nervously and pointed to my neck. "You're pretty lucky, kid. Alice usually doesn't keep 'em alive. She must really like you." Joe said while wiping the counter down. He then added, "You do know that she's a vampire, right? I mean, it's pretty obvious by now but I'm just making sure you understand."

I nodded in response, ordered some coffee, and sat down at the table that Alice was at. I sipped my drink in pure exhaustion then checked the time. 3:15. I couldn't believe how early it still was.

Alice glanced at me from across the table. She seemed to be enjoying herself. "Hey Michele, wanna hang out tomorrow? Tomorrow is Valentine's Day so we have to spend some time together, okay?" She questioned. She appeared to be on some kind of sugar rush. I swear, if she had a tail it would of been wagging.

"I guess we can. Can I talk to you for a second? What you did earlier, why did you bite me?" I found myself whispering the words.

"Well, I was hungry and you're just so great that I decided to claim you for myself!" Alice exclaimed. She got up, rushed over to my seat at light speed, and gave me a tight hug.

I heard a bunch of 'awww's' and was once again embarrassed. "Alice, please put me down." I barely squeaked out. "I can't breath."

In a second I was back in my chair and she was sitting right next to me.

A few moments later, I was getting up to throw the garbage away when she pulled me down and kissed me.

It wasn't a short cute kiss. It was long and passionate. No wonder this girl was the death of me.

After that the rest of the 'date' was barely eventful. We showed each other cool things online and tried out each other's taste in music. It felt almost normal.

Later as we were about to leave, we exchanged numbers and went on our separate ways home. The next day, however, is where things got weird.

A Nerd's Deadly Vampire Romance (Lesbian Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now