Can't Deny My Love

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Sherlock couldn't believe his ears. "W-what did you say?" he asked quietly.

John rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Er...I said I love you."

Sherlock looked at John in disbelief. " could you love me?"

John gawked. "How could I not? You're talented, handsome, and-"

"I'm a freak," Sherlock mumbled softly.

John's eyes softened. "No. Oh, no no no, Sherlock you are not a freak."

"Everyone else thinks I am," he said, his voice quiet and full of sorrow. "So why don't you?"

John scooted closer and cupped Sherlock's face in his hands. "Because I know how you really are. I know you're incredible. They're just jealous because they can't be like you."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "You're not like me, so why don't you think I'm a freak?"

"Because I think you're an idiot," he said with a small smile.

Sherlock looked at John sideways, unable to fight the smile forming on his lips.

"How long?" Sherlock asked, now turning to face him.

John blushed. "Um...that night at Angelo's. After the whole 'I'm not his date' scenario. I was afraid if I didn't deny the accusation you would be scared off."

Sherlock scoffed. "But you didn't realize I didn't deny it?"

John stopped and thought. ", I didn't really think about that."

Sherlock chuckled. "You need to be more observant from now on." 

"Yes, I suppose I do," John muttered, his face blushed with embarrassment.

Sherlock glanced back over at him. "Is that why you shot that cabbie? Because me?"

John nodded. "Yes. I shot him because I knew if I didn't, I might never see you again except being wheeled off in a body bag...I don't think I could handle that."

Sherlock smiled and leaned over, placing a small kiss on John's lips. "I will never understand why you do, but  I'm very pleased that you love me."

John raised a brow and smirked. "You're pleased?"

Sherlock looked at him curiously. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"Well, most people reply with 'I love you, too.'"

"I thought it was implied," Sherlock said, gently tracing John's cheek, mesmerized by how the simple touch felt like electricity pulsing through his fingertips.

John closed his eyes and breathed softly. "It is implied. But I want to hear you say it...please."

Sherlock smiled faintly and leaned in to John's ear, his lips precariously close. "I love you, too, John Watson," he whispered softly.

John shivered as the breath glided across his skin. He opened his eyes and turned to face Sherlock again, a small smile on his lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Sherlock said back, kissing him once more just as his phone rang. He groaned and grabbed it off his night table. "Yes?....we will be there soon."

He hung up and looked at John. "In the mood for a case?"

John smiled faintly and nodded. "Oh God, yes."

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