The Final Chapter

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Sherlock looked around the empty living room of  221B with a somber look on his face. John walked up behind him, gently wrapping his arms around the man's waist. Sherlock closed his eyes, the crow's feet in the corners relaxing as his did so.

"Okay, love?" John asked quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to his back.

"Twenty-two years," he said softly. "This was our home... for twenty-two years. We had so many birthday parties here... Christmases... we solved all of our cases here.... we fell in love here."

"Even after all this time, the amount of sentiment you truly feel always surprises me," John said quietly. "But we'll always have the memories, Sherl. Pictures, stories-"

"The blog," Sherlock chuckled softly, placing his pale, skinny fingers over John's hand.

John smiled a little and nodded. "See? Aren't you glad I wrote it after all?"

"Mm. I suppose so," he murmured with a sad, shaky smile. He opened his eyes again and stepped out of John's hold. "...I just can't believe it's finally happened. I mean... I always knew it would but I just pushed it to the back of my mind and now-"

"She was ninety, Sherlock," John said quietly. "It was her time."

"It wasn't," Sherlock suddenly snapped. "She was healthy, she was, she was-"

John walked over again and simply hugged him again as the man began to cry. "Sherlock," he whispered, stroking the man's now silver curls. "She went peacefully in her sleep. She didn't hurt..."

"She was like the mother I always wanted," he whispered.

"You have a mother."

"Yes, but I liked Mrs Hudson."

John kissed Sherlock on his temple. "I know you did," he whispered. "I did too. But she wouldn't want us to cry anymore."

Sherlock pulled away and wiped his eyes with a waivered breath. "No, I suppose you're right."

John took Sherlock's hands. "It was her decision to sell Baker Street. She knew it would be too hard for us to stay here without her... I just still can't believe she left everything to us."

"She had no family left, John."

"We were her family, Sherlock," he said softly. "Now come on, we've got to be out by two. The drive to Sussex is going to be murder, and I want to get to the cottage before it's too dark. And I know you want a chance to see the bees."

Sherlock smiled a little and gave a small nod. "I'll meet you at the car. I just have a couple things to grab."

John leaned up and kissed him. "Take your time," he whispered before carrying his last box down to the car.

Sherlock looked around the flat once more, his bottom lip trembling. He went to the mantle and yanked his knife out of the wood, closing it and putting it in his pocket. He picked up Billy and looked into the empty sockets. "Come on, old friend," he said softly. "On to the next adventure."

Sherlock looked over at the bullet-riddled smiley face that had never been repaired, his heart clenching. He slowly headed downstairs and left his key on the front hall table, looking back to 221A with tears in his eyes. "Goodbye, Mrs Hudson," he said softly. "Thank you for always being here for me..." He took a moment to collect himself before setting out into the spring air, inhaling deeply to keep the tears at bay. He shut the door and tilted the knocker one last time before going to the car and climbing in.

John started the engine and they pulled onto the road, heading to their new home lovingly named Hudson Cottage, leaving 221B Baker Street in their rearview mirror forever.

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