You Mean You've Never...

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Sherlock still couldn't believe what had just happened. He slowly managed to catch up to John who was smirking ear to ear. He looked over at Sherlock with a chuckle.

"You're as white as a sheet."

"Well, I have really fair skin."

"You have really fair everything."

Sherlock felt his face get warm. John began laughing.

"And now you've gone pink! You're like a science experiment."

Sherlock grumbled and walked ahead. John hurried after him.

"Sherlock, I know this is new to you so I'll tone down the blatant flirting a bit for your sake."

"Thank you."

"But as your boyfriend, teasing should be permitted."

"I revoke my thanks."

John stopped in front of Sherlock.

"John," he sighed. "Move out of the way..."

"What is with you?" John asked with a raised brow. "Sherlock, it was light teasing. I was complimenting you."

"Well I don't need the compliments..."

John studied Sherlock's face for a moment.



"....You really didn't mean to call me that, did you?"

Sherlock hesitated a moment before slowly shaking his head.

John gave a small nod. "Right,, do you not want me to be your boyfriend?"

"No, I do," Sherlock answered immediately. "I really, really do."

"Then why are you making this into such a big deal?"

Sherlock didn't answer. John waited a moment.

"Sherlock, I would really like if y-"

"I don't want to mess it up, John."

John blinked. "Mess up what?"

Sherlock mumbled.


"I said I don't want to mess up being your boyfriend..."

John's face softened. "Sherl..."

"Oh God," he scorned as he looked away. "Don't do that pity party rubbish."

John pursed his lips a bit, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply before letting it out slowly. "Pushing it a bit there..."

Sherlock looked back over at John as the man opened his eyes. John looked at Sherlock.

"Why do you think you'll mess it up?"

"Because...I've never done this before..."

John brow rose again. "Never dated a man before?"

"Never dated...anyone."

John blinked a couple of times. "You're joking."

"Oh, you got me. Funny, wasn't it? Absolutely hilarious."

"Shut up. I just can't believe you have never dated before."

"Well, believe it. I have never dated anyone."

"...Why not?"

"Well I could never find someone who could handle my massive intellect."

John scoffed with a sarcastic smile. "Alright, smart arse. What's the real reason?"

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