chapter 2

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---NEXT DAY---

i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring toby keith. i quickly try and climb out of bed, doing it not so gracefully, and end up falling on my stomach onto my floor. great way to start my morning, still sore and tired from yesterdays game and here i go and make it worse. i jerk my pillow from the bed and cover my head as i hear footsteps coming down the hall towards my room. ready to scream and apologize while bracing myself for a kick or hit, i sink into my carpet and pray its just my brother coming to make sure im alright and not my dad. just as i was about to scream out for my brother, Zack, to come help, i feel a wet tongue lick my face and relax slightly knowing its only my gianormous boxer, Driver. i pat his head and look up into his worried eyes as i get up to stand.

"hey boy! its okay, i just fell nothing to be worried about." i say as he licks my face while i laugh quietly not wanting to wake anyone up. i walk over to my bedroom door and peek out into the hall before shutting and locking it relieved that no one else was up. i walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of skinny yoga pants, an oversize mossy green tshirt, cream scarf, and my motorcycle boots. after taking a shower, changing, throwing my hair into a messy bun and putting on a little makeup i look myself over in my full length mirror. i stare at the 5'3 girl looking back at me with beautiful brown eyes and hope that Zack is ready so we can get the hell out of here without waking up our dad. the minute i step a foot out my bedroom door Driver is by my side walking downstairs with me to the kitchen. lets just say that my dog and older brother have a little protective side for me   because of what goes on at home. i walk into the kitchen to find Zack on his phone while eating a piece of toast.

"mornin bug" he says while coming over to give me another congratulatory hug

"mornin" i say as i grab my toast and feed Driver before heading out the door with Zack to his car. the drive to school consists of a bunch of recaps of my last hit and the game. once we pull into the school parking lot and get out we walk into the school and prepare to face another grueling day of hard work. when i get to my locker i see my best friend Taylor sprinting down the hall to me with open arms and her dark brown hair flying behind her.

"JAY!! OMG GREAT GAME!" she squeals while wrapping me in a tight squeeze. and yes, thats what taylor actually talks like.

"Tay.... thanks...." i say while trying to breath ".....cant.... breath..." i manage to get out as she instantly loosens her grip and we start to walk to class together.

"soooo... a little birdie told me that you and Jake are going out again." she says with a grin on her face

"try not. tay, we broke up 4 months ago and we arent getting back together, ever." i say while rolling my eyes "i mean ya, we're still good friends and all shockingly, we play baseball together but thats it... nothing else."

"fuck you" she huffs "you guys were so cute together though! why'd you break up?!"

"taylor we've been over this before, i didnt want him meeting my dad and it was getting to hard to keep him away and he was asking to many wuestions. plus i found him making out with Rachel in the chemistry room. " i scolded at her

we walk into the classroom and take out seats as the bell rings and class starts. almost ten minutes later the door swings open and Hunter, the school heart-trob, player, and pitcher on my team, comes running through the door out of breath.

"Mr. Jordan, your late." Ms. Kleeder snaps

"ya, i know" he manages to get out while making his way to his desk next to me.

"dont you dare talk back to me Jordan unless you want a detention got it?!" says Ms. Kleeder who you can tell is getting impatient with him

"ya sure, got it" he says before turning to me. "nice batting yesterday Jay" he whispers to me while giving my shoulder a quick squeeze. i look back to the front of the class and try to look like im paying attention as Ms. Kleeder pops in some video for us to watch. of course, i dont pay attention though, im off thinking bout Hunter. okay, i may play baseball with him but that doesnt mean i cant have a crush on him like every other girl in this school at the same time. i mean how could you not fall in love with is rock hard abs, hot brown bedhead hair, mesmerizing dark brown eyes and charming personality, protective yet sweet disposition!? of course no boy can be that perfect though, they have to have some sort of flaw on them. for Hunter Jordan, it was that he would have a different girl hanging from his arm everyday pretty much. of course, i was lucky and got to hang out with him and talk with him almost whenever-which made some girls jealous of me- considering me and the team treated each other like family. someone got hurt, whoever hurt them had one hell of a problem now. according to the guys "i wouldnt hurt a fly and even my 'ninja' moves wouldnt help me in a situation were i could get hurt." ya its kind of annoying sometimes because they dont think i can stand up for myself or protect myself because im a girl and one of the smallest kids at this school. they think of me as their little sister and  are way more protective over me than of their own girlfriends, which most of them dont even have. im suddenly snapped out of my trance as the bell rings signaling that class is over. once i get out into the hall i meet up with Taylor and Zack and we walk to gym together. once we get into the gym we find out that we're doing dodgeball... what fun. not. even if i do seem like one of those really sporty girls, i suck at every sport except baseball and running. when we get out of the locker rooms and into the gym the teacher splits us up into teams and the games begin. after and hour of dodging balls as best as i could, getting out a bunch of times, and hitting a few people, class was finally over. after going through a few more classes its finally lunch! i may be small but let me tell ya, i have the appetite of a bear before hibernation, im constantly hungry and eating but im one of those randomly lucky people who doesnt gain an ounce.  after getting our lunches and sitting down we start to talk about the team that we're playing in a few weeks, the Paxton Bulls of Georgia. they arent the greatest team but they still managed to kick our butts last year because we had to use our substitute (who isnt the greatest pitcher out there) because Hunter got a nasty case of the flu. just as we were leaving the cafeteria i look down while walking and run into a wall. good job jay, good job. scratch that, it wasnt exactly a wall, it was school bad boy Jacob Winters. and let me tell ya, he isnt nice but his attitude doesnt effect the ouside.  hes 6'2, all rock hard muscle (i doubt theres an ounce of fat on that boy), and dark blue eyes that are framed by long dark brown lashes that are partially covered by his thick dark brown slightly wavy hair. in other words, hes hot.

-------picture of Jacob on the side-------

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