chapter 4

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shit. that was all i could think. i sat on the ground next to my door glad i didnt lock it yet so Zack and Driver could still get in.

"h-how did you get in here?!" i said trying to keep the obvious shaking out of my voice.

"ever heard of a fucking key." he stated in a matter-of-factly tone

"whered you get a key to my room?" i asked trying to back away from him

"had one made. how the hell else." he said while getting up and starting to walk over to me. i quickly stood knowing it would only be his advantage if i was on the ground already. he came and stood next to me grabbing my shoulder and squeezing it tightly causing me to slightly cower back trying to get out of his grasp. all of a sudden i felt a stinging in my right cheek and i realized he had smacked me. hard.

"when i say 'come here' you listen to me. got it bitch!" he stated anger raising in his tone.

"y-yes s-sir." i nodded. i knew all to well that that wasnt the end of it though. just as i though, a few seconds later i was punched forcefully in the gut causing me to crumple over and 'omph' in pain. the second i hit the ground he started to kick me all over. in the shoulder, arm, legs, back, and stomach. i was on the floor crying and screaming in pain when all of a sudden my bedroom door flew open so hard i thought the hinges would break. suddenly i felt the beating stop and heard groaning on the ground next to me along with the sound yelling and beating on a body. i was still on the ground beaten, bruised, shaking, and crying when it stopped. within seconds i was carefully picked up and carried out of the room by Zack who was breathing quickly and heavily easily showing how mad he was. he walked with me in his arms and carried me to his bedroom carefully setting me on the bed while he grabbed his duffle bag and some clothes. while he was packing Driver came in his room and laid down beside me whimpering when i didnt pet him and reassure him that i was okay like i normally did. when Zack was done he put the bag over his shoulder and carefully picked me up again after wrapping me in a blanket. i was only slightly conscious but i could tell that he was carrying me downstairs to his truck and that Driver was following behind refusing to leave our side. when we got to the truck Zack laid me down on the back seats and Driver hopped in next to me on the floor laying his head by mine. before i blacked out i heard Zack talk to someone on the phone who was trying to calm him down.

{Zacks POV}

i was so pissed off and ashamed to call that asshole my father. i mean who the hell does that to their own daughter! i mean shes so tiny and fragile! when i couldnt find my dad i instantly started to go to check on Jay, when i heard her screaming i froze for a second and immediately started sprinting to her screams of pain and the loud thuds on the ground knowing exactly what was happening. when i got to her room and i saw Jay on the floor crying and screaming in pain with my father above her kicking her and punching her, my anger immediately boiled over the top. i couldnt stand having this happen whenever im not around. it ended tonight. i ran over to where they were and threw a punch packed with all my anger to my father. he slumped over and fell to the ground at the second punch. i started punching and kicking him wanting him to know what it felt like. when i was somewhat satisfied with myself i walked over to Jay who was still laying on the ground shaking and crying, who can blame her, she goes through this constantly and i was sick of it. i gently picked up my sister and started to carry her to my room. after laying her down on my bed i went over to my closet and grabbed my duffle and some clothes for us and threw them in. Driver came in and went straight over to my sister who was laying slightly unconscious on the bed. he tried to get some reaction out of her making sure she was ok. when she didnt respond to him he looked over at me with worried puppy dog eyes that told me he wasnt going to leave her side. again, i couldnt blame him, my sister had been the one to pick him out and raise him, taking care of him all by herself even paying for his food and toys, he was like her baby even though he was literally almost half her size. when i was done i walked over to the bed swiftly wrapping her in a blanket so she wouldnt get cold and then i picked her up carrying her downstairs and outside to my truck. i placed her onto the backseat and moved so Driver could hop in next to Jay and keep an eye on her. i quickly dialed Hunters number so i could make sure it was alright if we could come over. after making sure that we could i pulled out of the driveway and drove as quick as i could to his house. i couldve gone to one of the other guys houses but Hunter and i have known each other since elementary school and his mom is a nurse so she knows how to deal with this stuff. his mom is also the only one that i know wouldnt mind a giant dog almost the size of a small pony running around their house. when we got to Hunters house i peered back at Jay and Driver to make sure they were still okay from the ride. i got out of the truck and went back to get Jay out of the backseat trying not to provoke the injuries anymore. as soon as i got her out Driver was by my side carrying the duffle in his mouth (another trick she taught him) and we were walking up to the front door. after ringing the doorbell once Hunters mom came to the door and quickly led us inside and up to the guest bedroom we would be staying in. i quickly set Jay down on the bed and unwrapped the blanket from her tiny, pale and bruised body. just looking at her you could tell it was going to be painful when she became conscious again, considering she became fully unconscious on the ride here. that just pissed me off even more. i tried to calm myself down while Ms.Jordan ran to get her supplies i took Jays shirt and pants off as instructed to do so that she could get a better look at most of the damage that had been done. when Ms.Jordan came back she went straight to work, having me help her hold things and flip Jay over so she could get a better look at her back. when she was done i flipped Jay back over and put one of my shirts and a pair of my shorts on her and put her under the covers. when Ms.Jordan came back she looked somewhat relieved.

"well, on the bright side she doesnt have any broken bones that we know of so far. the bad news is that she may have a fractured bone in her forearm." she stated looking at me.

"well do we have to bring her to the hospital or can you do it here?" i asked her hoping she could do it here cause i dont feel like having a bunch of people asking what had happened cause you dont just get a bunch of bruises scattered all over and a fractured bone from falling.

"i could fix it here i just need to get some puddy mix to go under the wraps so she doesnt move her arm and make it worse. we're going to have to do it tommorrow though because i dont have the mix here. i also want her to stay here tomorrow and not go out of this room, got it?" she said looking me in the eyes making sure i understood her.

"yes ma'am." i stated nodding my head in response. and with that, she was gone downstairs. i quickly changed and crawled into bed under the covers next to Jay making sure i didnt touch her and hurt her more.

-------picture of Zack on the side-------

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