chapter 9

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i just sat watching her calm down her brother just like that. i guess im not the only one who gets effected by her. one minute he looked like he was about to rip hunters head off and the moment she came to him, even from where i was, i could see him visibly relax. how the hell does she do that?

why the hell am i suddenly so soft about this girl? get the fucking pervert out of your mind dude. too much innocence...

again i question, what the hell?! does my mind have a fucking mind of its own or something?!

after she was satified with his calmed state he set her down and she hugged him one last time before making her way over to the chairs again. there was one thing bugging me about what just happened and again, im questioning my minds sanity. that thing was something that im actually glad her brother didnt catch cause he wouldve been dead if he had. as much as i love fights, i still remember when i first bumped into her and her almost begging her brother not to start another fight. this one issue kept coming back to the front of my mind and it was starting to piss me off.

Hunter fucking Jordon was shamlessly checking her out ass and all, and her and her innocence had no clue.


after successfully calming down my brother, again, i took my seat again agains the wall on the not-so-squishy chairs. sitting down there was one thing on my mind.

why did zack get so pissed at hunter?

i mean sure they had their dissagreements but they never got like this. if i hadnt stepped in im sure there would have been a fight within a minute or less. and ive seen what zack can do. i cant let Hunter get practically killed over some probably stupid comment. sure theres a tiny crush but i would never date him. hes the biggest player at this school and i know he would never give up his ways. besides that, dating him would be like dating Zack. *cue mental shudder* that would just be awkward...

coming out of my little bubble i can feel someone staring at me. you know how when someones looking directly at you and you can practically feel them burning holes in your head? wheather it be a good or bad reason you just have the urge to look up to see who it is.... and thats exactly what i did.

i look up and look around slightly before locking gazes with none other then him. i go ridgid in my seat, my breaths becoming shakey and im pretty sure my face had fear written all over it. i moved my knees up to hug to my chest like i always did when i was on the floor and my dad was in one of his moods again. no matter how much i wanted to i couldnt look away from the dark blue orbs that were focused solely on mine. it didnt make sense why he chose me when he could go do this to anyone else. i bet he knows what hes doing and likes it too. i bet he can tell im scared shitless and just keeps on doing it for a laugh... if he even does laugh. i dont think anyones ever even seen him smile before. as he was looking at me it seemed that he was deep in thought but not once did he look away which scared me even more. all of a sudden his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened to a shade close to a dark stormy grey as his gaze hardened. i flinched back and looked away not being able to take what was being thrown at me. i looked over at Zack making sure he was calm and he glanced at me sending me a smile before looking over my face he sent me a look almost to ask 'are you okay?' i sent him a small reassuring smile before he hesitantly went back to what the guys were talking about but was still sending me glances every once in a while which i all gave a small smile to not wanting him to worry. i need my brother and having him killed by some fight with a badass with anger problems worse than his are is not how i want to loose him, thank you very much. i could still feel his stare on me and i was slightly squirming around refusing to look back at him. i heard the coach blow his whistle for the start of the game and immediately started paying attention. you never know when a balls gonna come flying at you even though youre on the sidelines. about 10 minutes into the game and no balls coming my was i was slightly starting to relax.

bad choice.

just as i was about to let my legs down from being up on the chair when of course, a ball comes flying full speed at me. of course me being me i didnt think of moving because my brain tends to be slow sometimes so here, i yank my legs back up and hide my casted arm behind them and duck my head curling into a ball just as i saw it a few feet from me. i waited, and waited, and waited. i didnt feel any impact. the gym got quiet and i peeked up to find a hand only about a foot away from my face holding the ball it caught. my gaze slowly traveled up from the hand to the muscled arm and shoulder to a face that was staring at me. my eyes slightly widened and i audibly gulped when i saw who it was.

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