chapter 3

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{Jacobs POV}

just as i was walking down the hall from wood-shop past the lunch room i felt somebody walk into me. grabbing the person my the shoulder ready to throw a punch at, them i look down to find a tiny girl staring up at me with her big brown eyes full of shock and worry staring at my hardened expressions. noticing the discomfort in her eyes i soften my expressions and she seems to very slightly relax, still tense under my gaze. i try and remember where ive seen this girl before, how could i not have noticed her, i mean she was beautiful for christs sakes! not hot, not sexy, beautiful.  

shit i dont even know this chick and shes already changing me!

she couldnt be more than a little over 5 foot and she had a breathtaking figure on her, curves in all the right places. not only that but she had straight dirty blonde hair that looked pretty long even though it was up in a bun, beautiful soft rosy pink lips, that matched her cheeks, and mezmerizing chocolate brown eyes that just pulled you in. all of a sudden another guy walked up to her and grabbed her hand while looking at me sternly.

"who the hell are you?" i grumble now staring at the boy who is still firmly holding the unknown girls  hand.

"its none of your damn business, now take your hand off of her before i do it for you." he says while staring at me, features hardening

"Zack, please, dont start another fight." she pleads looking up into the boys eyes, her eyes on the verge of brimming with tears, his eyes softening but still watching me from the corner of his eye.

"Jay, come on, lets go." Zack says starting to pull her away. Jay, i knew that name from somewhere... all of a sudden it clicked, Jay Shimms, the only girl baseball player this school has ever had, better than most of the guys even. still holding onto her shoulder i tighten my grasp slightly not wanting her to go. when i first looked at her it felt different, like there was something off about her. i dont know why, but i wanted to find out what was wrong.

 what is wrong with me? why am i thinking like this?! i never think like this, i never want to get involved in a girls stupid problems! why did i want to all of a sudden?

when she realized that she was being pulled in to different directions she looked up at me then over to who i assumed was Zack then back and forth again, starting to tense slightly again.

"hey dude, get your fucking hand off my sister." he said his voice filled with annoyance and slight anger. sister? well that explains why he automatically didnt like me. then again i scare the hell out of everyone and have had my fair share of one night stands, a different girl almost every week. i cant deny it, the ladies are drawn to me. snapping out of my little day dream i look down yet again to see Jay looking up at me then at the shoulder that i still had in my grip, then back to me again hoping i would release her. i complied to her requests and let her go while her brother came and put his arm around her and started walking away. i just sat there staring at them walking away. right before i left from my spot i saw Jay glance back with an unreadible expression on her face.

 {Jays POV}

before turning the corner i glanced back at Jacob shocked at what just happened. no one made it though anything like that with him alive. i dont know why im still alive after that, he scares the crap out of everyone, apparently has an anger problem and has a different girl almost every week like Hunter.

after we finished the rest of our classes we headed home. not something ive been looking forward to. ive learned to love school because i can get away from my father who takes every chance to hit me or verbally abuse me. we have to go home though because since were both under age we dont have much of a choice sadly. when we pull into the drive way dads car is there. oh shit. Zack had the same expression as me, jaw tightened, wide eyed, in shock. why was he home?! he was supposed to be in Utah for a week for work! not here at home! grabbing my hand and giving it a small squeeze Zack gets out of his truck and walks over to my side opening my door and helping me out. once out he pulls me behind him and he starts walking to the front door suddenly he stops and turns around looking at me.

"Jay, i want you to sprint straight up to your bedroom once we get close enough to the stairs. the only reason he would be home is because hes more drunk than usual and we both know what happens then." he says worry and anger written all over his face

i give a slight nod and pull him in for a quick hug. after a minute or so we pull away and we start our journey to the house attempting to calm down so he doesnt notice how nervous we are. lesson 1, never show weakness around my father, especially if your me. the minute we get in the house we can smell the strong smell of alcohol coming from the living room and kitchen. Zach immediately starts to back closer to the wall leading to the steps. once at the bottom, he glances over his shoulder and gives me a quick nod to go while he checks out the rest of the house. running to my room i pull out my bedroom door key to unlock it because if i didnt keep it locked god knows what he would do to me in my sleep. once i frantically fiddle with my key and lock i get the door open slipping in quickly and closing the door behind me sliding to the floor on the spot.

"get your ass over here you worthless little bitch!" a gruff voice says from the corner of the room.

i immediately freeze knowing who it was. i turn my head to the corner of my room and just as i thought slumped over my arm chair, beer in hand and drunk as hell........... was my father.

-------picture of Jay and Zacks dad on the side------

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