Chapter Six: Champions

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"Three Horcruxes in less than three months." I sighed, sitting down on the chair next to Draco.

"He's efficient and he's not afraid to take chances. The two wizards he killed weren't just your everyday wizards, they were former Aurors. The worst part? He didn't even use the Killing Curse, he petrified them then cut them to pieces. I've never seen anything like it and I've seen some mucked up things." Draco shivered. It was the first time I had seen him react like that to something sinister.

"He's going to be unstoppable soon." Harry murmured, leaning back in his chair. "The only thing we're sure of now is that he can't kill here."

"What makes you think that?" Draco asked.

"I set up some spells around the school. Harry and I went through every secret nook and cranny, even the places only a Parseltongue could get into. I've done all I can to protect this school and I've even had the students drinking small protection potions in their normal beverages. If he tries anything on this campus, we'll know." I said, surety in my voice. I might not be the greatest wizard out there but I was a force to be reckoned with.

"That's something, I guess, but if he's an upperclassmen he still has trips to Hogsmeade."

"Not this year." Harry said. "We cut out the trips due to the activities we were having here, that's another reason why these activities were acceptable."

"That's..., that's quite brilliant actually. Ace! We have one up on him here then. Let's just keep this one up while I dig some more. I'll be here next week for 'the beginning of the preparation for the alumni activities.'" He smirked, giving us the excuse he was to use with everybody. "I expect a room with a view while I'm expected to stay here, Potter." He joked, getting up.

"Oh yeah, you'll have a nice view. How's a brick wall for you?" Harry replied with a smirk, sarcasm lacing his tone. Draco laughed and went over to say bye to the babies who were playing with some toys I had left in there. I made sure none of the toys could be swallowed because they loved to put stuff in their mouths.

"Bye, mate." Draco patted Harry on the back and gave me a hug then dropped down to tickle the babies once before walking out.

"Still hate that guy." Harry joked once Draco was out of the room.

"You wish that was true." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, dear." He smiled, leaning in to kiss me softly. At the moment, nobody else was going to die and I just needed to make sure our activities went off well enough that the students didn't notice the danger.

That night, Harry spent hours in his office, going through the most recent reports the other allies had sent and sending them updates on what Draco had given us. It felt so weird going to bed without him but it happens. All that week Harry ended up in his office all night, only stopping at our room to change and take the babies when it was his shift. I ignored my loneliness at night because I knew things needed to be done and Hogwarts and the students always came first.

While he worked on our newest evil, I spent my time setting up the activities for the year. Everybody who was coming to participate and watch were being set up in tents or rooms on-campus. I had gotten most of the room assignments done but more and more people were sending owls to inform me that they were attending and it was gobsmacking.

Friday, after an already exhausting week, it was time for the goblet to give us our champions for the tournament. Because Harry was hard at work, his supper was being sent up to him and I was announcing our champions alone. After all the students assembled, I let them get settled then I made my way to the goblet that sat where the podium usually was. I tapped it with my wand and soon it was spewing out our first name.

"Your Triwizard Tournament champion from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is....., Ms. Inés Garnier." I announced and the girls from her school gave her a standing ovation as she made her way to the front to take her slip of paper and go back to where we were going to speak to the victors.

Inés was a petite, strawberry blonde haired girl of about sixteen or seventeen years of age. She was thin but pretty and multiple guys stared as she walked by. When she was called she waved elegantly at the crowd that cheered her on, every bit the lady. Her walk was so graceful it was almost as if she were dancing up to me to get her slip. She was by all accounts fair and ladylike, so much so that I was worried about her in this competition.

"From Durmstrang Institute, your Triwizard Tournament champion is..., Mr. Borislav Hristov." I said, glad I was an amazing reader because that name was confusing to try to pronounce.

Borislav was a rather tall, muscled fellow with black hair, shaved down low. At his name being called, he received punches of celebration from his mates and stood with his chest stuck out. He marched up to me, with an air of masculinity that was staggering in a young person. Like Inés he was about sixteen or seventeen but, unlike her, he looked much older. His mouth was set in a scowl as he took the slip and followed the path Inés had just gone.

"And finally, from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, your champion is...., Mr. Liam Drorom." I announced to the anticipating crowd. At my announcement cheers rang out from the Hufflepuff table and Liam came forth.

Liam was a golden blonde haired boy with dashing good looks and a smile to make the girls around him swoon. He had been in my class and he was always one to crack jokes during the lesson. He stood at around five foot eleven and his body was slim but muscled. To most of the female students, he was their dream guy. He made his way up to me with his trademark smile in place, winking at girls as he passed. When he took the slip, he looked me up and down with a sly smile then flashed his bright teeth again and left.

"Well, a big congratulations to the champions of this year. The headmaster and I are both eager to see what this tournament will hold. All of the activities coming up will be announced and flyers will be placed around campus so you know where to go and when. Now, let supper begin." I said, and food appeared on the tables.

The champions were going to eat with myself and the two visiting headmasters so we could go over the rules and what it meant to be a champion. Champions, I hope you're ready for this. I thought, picking up the babies and taking them to the back where our champions had assembled.

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