Part 2 - Salty Drinks

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As you walked into the pizzeria Jensen said to meet him at, you spotted Jared's questioning look. Oh no, Jensen didn't tell him you were coming.

"Um, hi Y/N." Jared awkwardly said, scooting over in the booth to make room for you. You sat next to him, facing Jensen who was across from you.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was kinda-"

"I invited her." Jensen stated, giving you a small smile. "Don't worry, darlin', Jared doesn't bite."

"Not usually." Jared said with a grin. As his attention was turned to you, Jensen quickly dumped at entire shaker full off salt into his co-star's soda. It took everything you had not to giggle and give it away.

"So, Y/N, how long you been acting?" Jensen said with a knowing grin.

"Well, I've acted in some small commercials, but this is the first time I've landed a major role." You said, looking from Jensen's to Jared's intent faces. "I'm actually kinda nervous."

"Don't be!" They both said simultaneously. How sweet.

"You were amazing earlier today, Y/N! No need to be nervous at all!" Jared said, looking at you incredulously.

"Trust me, babe, you're great. If anything, I'm always here to help if you-"

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, JENSEN?!" Jared screamed, spitting soda everywhere.

Jensen was unable to hold in his laughter. He cackled (Jensen Cackles), letting his head fall back. You couldn't help but laugh, too. Jared was viciously wiping his tongue on the neck of his shirt, trying to get the saltiness out.

Throughout all the commotion and laughter, you seem to have latched onto how Jensen called you 'babe'. You knew you shouldn't think much of it, but it sounded like heaven to your ears.

"Y/N, do you mind if I-" Jared asked, holding up your drink.

You laughed. "Sure, go ahead."

With that, he began to chug down your soda only to be stopped short by another coughing fit.

Jensen started laughing again. He was practically yodeling.

"DUDE, YOU SPIKED HER DRINK, TOO?!" Jared shouted in disbelief. You turned to Jensen in shock.

"Seriously, Jensen? I thought we were friends!" You scowled, shaking your head.

"Aw, don't take it personally, I do it to all new cast members." He said with a wink. You smiled at him, staring for a moment too long before you looked down at the table. You felt like an idiot for gawking at him, but damn this man was gorgeous.

"I'm not new!" Jared grumbled.

His words seemed to have gone unnoticed by Jensen because when you looked up again, he was gazing at you like you were royalty.

"Alright, I'll be back. I gotta go wash my mouth. Thanks J." Jared rolled his eyes before stomping away like a moose.

You and Jensen shared a laugh as you both looked at the evidence before you. Spilled and spat out soda was dripping off the side of the table and the empty salt shaker stood in its wake.

"You're terrible!" You said with a smirk, shaking your head.

"Aw, come on. You don't mean that." He scoffed with a smirk of his own playing at his lips.

"I do." You laughed. "You are a terrible human being."

"You should see the stuff he does to me."

You laughed again, watching the crinkles in his eyes move as he laughed along with you. God, this man was a work of art. You got lost in his laugh. It was such a beautiful sound.

You were gawking again, this time you didn't catch yourself before it was too late.

"See something you like?" He asked with a smirk.

"Um- I uh... I was just-" You stuttered, feeling a heat rise to your cheeks. His smile grew wider as he started at your stammering mess.

"It's okay. Sometimes I catch myself staring at you, too." He said, trying to suppress a smile. You felt your heart rate quicken and you almost forgot how to breathe.

You were about to reply when someone slid into the booth beside you.

"How come I wasn't invited?" Misha asked with mock innocence.

Jensen pried his eyes from you to look at him. Jared came back from the bathroom and slid in next to Jensen.

"Oh, Misha. Nice of you to join us." Jared said with sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"I am upset that you guys literally never invite me to anything."

Jensen's eyes met yours and he exchanged an apologetic look. You tried to hide a smile, but it was proven to be extremely hard with him watching you.

"It's okay." You mouthed. He gave a small nod and took his eyes off of you to watch as the other two bickered and joked.

He was something.


The next morning, as you clocked in for work, the man you were all too happy to see bumped into you.

"Hey!" You exclaimed, bumping him back.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Didn't see you there." He smirked, reaching over you to sign his name on the call sheet. He was much taller than you so your head was right under his arm.

You reached your hand up to sign your name under his and bumped his hand in the process. His signature turned into a sloppy mess. He groaned.

"Whoops, sorry. Didn't see you there." A smirk of your own played at your lips as you got out from under his arm and made your way to your dressing room.

Jensen stood dumbfounded for a moment, watching as you walked away from him. Wow was all he could think. You made him feel really excited to come to work today. How cliche, right? He laughed to himelf, putting down the pen and walking in the oppposite direction to his own room.

As you entered your room, the smell of flowers hit you. You looked to your dresser to see a boquet of roses awaiting you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you walked towards it and picked up the card.

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

There's no one alive

who's as pretty as you."

You smiled from ear to ear, turning the card over to check for a name. There wasn't any. You had your suspicions, but that takes away all the fun.

You shook your head, placing the card back on the table and gazing at your beautiful roses.

Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally - Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now