Part 4 - Black Widow

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It's been about two months since you and Jensen started dating and life has never been better. He would sneak up behind you and attack you with kisses or trap you in a bear hug, all to which you complain about, but never actually want to stop. He still manages to make you blush while filming. The makeup crew had to cover it up with more foundation. He still teases you with that.

Things were great.

You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You groaned, answering it without checking caller ID.

"Hello?" You slurred, yawning as you checked the time. 5:47AM. You had about 15 minutes before you had to get up for call time at 7.

"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N?" The person on the other end asked, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.

"May I ask who's calling?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! This is Joss Whedon from-"

"YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? OH MY GOD." You screamed, sitting straight up.

"Um, are you okay?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm fine! This is indeed Y/N!" You squealed, heart racing.

"Well, Ms. Y/L/N, I'm calling to congratulate you. You are Marvel's new Black Widow."

You screamed. You screamed loud. It was a good thing you live alone. You probably even made your new director, Joss, deaf.

"Thank you so much! Oh my God, this is great!"

"Your audition was outstanding! The entertainment world will be blessed to have you."

You squealed again. You didn't mean to. It just kept happening.

"Meet with me and the rest of the cast tonight at the Marvel Studios at 8!" He said.

You let out a shaken breath. The excitement was overwhelming. "I'll be there!"

"See you then!" You heard the click of the line as he hung up.

Holy shit!  You got the role.

After asking the producers and directors of Supernatural and they agreed that it was okay, you found yourself practicing nonstop for your audition. You were always a huge fan of Marvel, it felt like a privilege to play one of the characters. You didn't think you would actually get the part. Jensen, Jared, and Misha were your best supporters. They practiced with you and gave you constructive criticism. They made you feel like you were officially part of them.

Now here you were, the new Black Widow.


"Wait, what?"

You pushed your boyfriend's chest playfully. "I got the part, you dork!"

Jensen cracked a wide smile as he grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you into his chest. His arms locked you to him. You grinned into his shirt, unable to contain your excitement.

"I'm so happy for you, baby." He said, sounding like he was unbelievably thrilled.

"Hey, stop hogging her!" You heard Jared's complaints as he pulled you by the arm away from Jensen. You laughed, letting him hug you as well. "Congratulations, Y/N."

"Thanks." You laughed again softly, giving him one final squeeze before letting go. "Guys, I'm so excited!"

"You should be, Y/N! This is huge! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart." Jensen said as he let his arm rest on your shoulders. He reached down to press a kiss to your forehead.

Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally - Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now