Chapter 7: First Date

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...and that's why the first fight is my favorite story to tell about my mom and your dad! I think we did a pretty good job telling it like they would. Don't you think so, Stephen?


Yeah. I've heard them tell that story over and over again. Each time they had a fight or a heated argument in front of us, and then make up after, they'd tell the same tale to make us feel better and assure us that it wasn't the end of the world for both of them. And while we're at this really fun game of role play, what do you say we try it one more time, Ems?


Sure, I'm game!


Cool! This time, let's tell the story of their first date. That's my favorite.


Take it away, Stephen!  I mean, Oliver.

* * * * *


That unforgettable Monday morning at the park marked the beginning of commitment in our relationship. Commitment. Such a big word. But I was determined to make it work, with her by my side. Felicity wasn't some fling, and although I had learned to love Laurel, I knew deep down in my heart that Felicity was different. Oh, it's not just because of how beautiful and remarkable she was. It's not because she made me feel good inside. It's certainly not because I wanted something from her. I think... it's because I had changed for the better ever since I've known her, and I still am changing because of her. Whether she recognizes it or not, she has made me want to care, to give of myself, to overcome my past and my pain... to love.


I came home that Monday morning partly thrilled and partly in shock. Thrilled, because of the man who had captured my heart and dared to take the next step of faith with me, crossing the line from simply caring to seriously committing. Shock, because I had never in my wildest dreams – since the day I found out I was pregnant with Emily – that this was possible. Sure, I had imagined that some guy good and decent enough might one day come along and rescue me from my plight of being a regretful single mom, perhaps out of compassion, or even genuine care. I imagined it wouldn't be difficult to fall in love with such a person... eventually. But Oliver... he's... he's my unexpected, undeserved gift of grace. Since the day I met him, my life has taken on new meaning. He has given me hope. He has shown me so much love and care in last few months than any other man (other than my dad, of course) had shown me in my lifetime! And oh, how much I want to love him back and give him the respect he so very much deserves.


A lot of things happened in the week that followed. First of all, we talked to our kids about our relationship, separately, and then we talked it over with them again together, over Friday picnic at the park later that week. Stephen immediately understood what being a couple meant, but Emily couldn't quite get it yet. She had said, "Couple? What's a couple?" Felicity tried her best to explain it to her the simplest way she could. After a failed attempt at a mini-lecture on Relationships 101, she sighed and glanced at me with that "help-me-out-here" look.

I chortled. I found it fun watching her babble away, trying to get Emily to understand. I understood the situation very well. You see, before I came along, she had never seen her mom go out with other men, and since they moved to Starling City almost two years ago, Felicity had no male friends to speak of or to even introduce to her daughter. Emily's limited concept of relating with the male species revolved around her grandfather, Mr. Alcorn who lived next door in the apartment building, Felix the butcher in the supermarket, Dr. Fischer her pulmonologist-allergologist, Rev. Olsen the pastor in the local church they attended, Garber her mother's online boss, and a few boys in the park who had become playmates or acquaintances before Stephen and I came along. So, I took it upon myself to explain to her what being a couple meant.

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