Epilogue: The Queen Family

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Since their wedding day two years ago, Felicity Smoak has no longer been just my mom.


She has become my mom, too. And Oliver Queen has no longer been just my dad.


He has become my dad, too! They're our Mom and Dad!


In February of last year, they became Mom and Dad to two more blonde-haired Queens – our baby brother Thomas John Queen, whom we fondly call TJ and whom Dad named after his two best buddies, and our baby sister Olive Rose Queen, whom we fondly call Liv and whom Mom named after the love of her life and the memory of their wedding night, which was the night she suspects the twins were conceived.


The day they were born was the happiest day of my life! I was thrilled to finally be a big sister to two adorable tots!


We are now a family. A very happy one. We do everything together. Dad and Mom had agreed to set aside special days to spend time with each of us. Mondays are my days. After school, Dad and I would usually jog at the park and talk about "guy stuff," and then we'd spend the rest of the evening at Big Belly Burger hanging out with Diggle, Uncle Tommy (if he's not on a date with his fiancée, Aunt Sara Lance), and sometimes, Roy Harper (who is now my Aunt Thea's boyfriend). If it's Mom's turn, she and I would usually stay home and spend the entire afternoon after school cooped up in her computer laboratory – for which the security code for entry is known only by her. She'd teach me computer stuff, or help me with homework and projects. She's fantastic! I never get grades lower than A- for schoolwork.


Tuesdays are mine. After school, Mom and I would usually stop by the grocery for food and supplies. Young as I am, she's already teaching me how to pick out fresh vegetables and ripe fruits, how to tell if the meats were still good or if the breads were stale. Shopping is always fun when I do it with Mom... especially because I always get to go home with something new – clothes, shoes, hair accessories, books, or toys. Haha! If it's Dad's turn, he's usually teaching me how to ride my bike. Now it is still has training wheels, but he says that as soon as I'm ready, he's gonna take them off and let me ride by myself. Sometimes, when Mom's not looking, he'd take me on a motorcycle joyride all around the huge Queen property... without a helmet. I love the feel of the wind on my face and how my curly blonde hair flies in the air. Dad says it's our little secret, and I promised not to tell. Ooops!! Sorry.


Wednesdays belong to TJ, and Thursdays belong to Liv. The twins are just about a year and a half, but they both seem very smart. They take after me, I think. I never thought Dad was the cartoons type of guy, but when it came to the twins, he endured hours and hours of watching Disney Junior and Baby TV on cable, until he learned to enjoy it himself. Sometimes, I laugh when I hear him humming the theme songs of Jake and the Neverland Pirates or the Little Einsteins, especially when he dances around to make TJ or Liv laugh. It's hilarious! When it's Mom's turn to spend time alone with either TJ or Liv, it's all about ABCs, 123s, colors, and shapes. She says she's starting off the twins young, like her dad had done with her. She believes they'll both turn out to be geniuses like her.


Fridays? Those days are untouchable! We couldn't make Mom or Dad bend. Not for a movie, or a night out at the mall, not even for a basketball game. That's our parents' alone time. Sometimes they'd go out on a date, have dinner in a nice, expensive restaurant or just in a regular fast-food joint, or they'd go watch a movie or a concert. They're not real picky, as long as they're together. Sometimes they just stroll in our favorite park or sit quietly on her park bench and talk for hours. At other times they just stay home and work out together in the gym, and for some silly reason, they end up getting locked in there all night that they'd skip dinner altogether. It's happened several times... I've lost count! I still can't figure out how that happens. Don't grown-ups have keys or something?!

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