Life's Ultimate Lesson

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Getting up from the table, Fiona made her way to the lake. She watched as Leo and Cole danced the twist around 12 feet from the embankment. Jaime was soon at her side.
Giggling, she asked, "What are they doing?"
"Well, it looks like they're happy, they made progress, so what better way to celebrate than to dance?"
Fiona thought about Jaime making everyone dance. "It's funny, you did the same thing, you made everyone dance. Yet, here they are dancing on their own. I don't know why but that seems weird to me, like an omen or something."
"I don't know about omen, but, well, it's a good thing, because if you notice they are not caring what they look like they're just dancing, not a care in the world."
"Yeah," she looked around, she didn't see Leo's neighbors, "Well, shall we head back to the cabin?"
"Yeah, but one more test."
"Ok, now what?"
"I want you to use the technique and take us all the way across the water."
Fiona glanced back at the tables, then at the cabin. "Ok, so the distance doesn't matter, correct? I mean it should still be the same zip-zip."
"Exactly, the only time distance would matter, was if you are unsure about your destination."
"Puzzled, she looked at him, "What do you mean?"
"Well Mejia, remember when you asked me about traveling to Spain?"
"Yeah, I meant Mexico really, just thought they were kinda the same." She giggled.
"Well, in a sense they're the same, the difference really is cultural and how we speak Spanish. Anyway, let's just use Spain for reference ok?"
"Now, have you ever been to Spain?"
"No, I've seen pictures though."
"Ok, so how would you know where you end up? I mean you wouldn't want to travel there because of a picture, not knowing exactly where you're going, and ending up somewhere completely different from what you imagined."
"I thought you said this trick could be used to take me anywhere I wanted to go no matter how far."
"Yes it can, but, I also said as long as you understand how to get there. By understand, I mean really understand not look at some picture and then take a chance."
"So then I guess there is something more for me to learn."
Jaime smiled, "Fiona, there's always something to learn. That's in life as well."
"Yeah, I know." She watched as the boys headed back to the shore. "Well, shall we?"
"Whenever you're ready."
Extending her arm, she glanced at the embankment on the other side of the lake. Going through the steps, the hair on her head quickly began to sway. This time it seemed the process was a lot faster than last time. As she imagined the bubble making it's way across the lake, the air became dense, with a flash she was back in the lights. Taking a quick glance she didn't see the silhouette of the man, and another smaller flash, she was on the cabin side of the lake, the dense air receded.
She looked at Jaime, he smiled with satisfaction.
"Holy shit." Cole said, staring at her wide eyed. "Bruh, we just learn the water trick and Miss fancy pants gets an upgrade."
Fiona didn't realize she jumped right in front of them. She looked at Leo then back to Cole, "Well, when you guys figure out all the steps I've done, maybe I can teach you this trick to. You have to go through the steps first."
"Wow, how many steps do we have to learn?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, cause I want to learn that to." Cole interrupted.
Chuckling she said, "Guys calm down you will. It takes time. Don't rush it. Seems like you two are understanding the first layer a bit, what did Leonard say?" She looked around, "And, where is he?"
"He said he'd be back, then he disappeared in the middle of the lake." Cole stated.
"Well, that's my que, I will see you again soon, Mejia, but for now a timely departure."
Looking at Jaime puzzled, she asked, "Wait, you're leaving."
"For now, why don't you practice the steps with your friends, don't worry, you already know there's no such thing as goodbye."
"Hi, I'm Cole."
"I'm Leo, I was named after....."
Jaime interrupted, "Your grandpa, I know. Nows not the time for awkward introductions guys, I'll be seeing you," he directed his attention to Fiona, "All of you again."
Fiona was sad to watch him leave, as he walked into the middle of the lake and disappeared.
Directing her attention to Cole and Leo, she asked. "So what did Leonard say anyway, to get you guys to go out that far."
"Actually he explained it in a way I could understand." Leo smiled.
"What way is that?"
"Chess." Cole chimed in, "Once he explained it to Leo, Leo better helped me understand. I play a little Chess."
Puzzled Fiona asked, "So how did he relate, the frequency to Chess?"
"Well," Leo smiled, "You probably don't play Chess so I will try and simplify it. Every Chess piece moves in a pattern, like the knights move in an L shape pattern, then you have the bishops that move only on their particular color. The frequency, is like those patterns, you have to follow a certain direct set of rules to make the move, and all of this," he pointed to the lake and all around, "Is just one giant magnificent Chess board. Each frequency is a block on that Chess board, as you learn them, you go from being a pawn, to moving like the queen, she can move anywhere on the board."
Fiona looked around, she chuckled, "I still don't understand."
"Ok, imagine it this way," Cole said, "The first frequency is the hardest right, like you said it's the outer peeling of the orange."
"Right," she confirmed.
"Well, those movements are the pawns, or people, they move one step at a time and they can only move forward. Ok? You with me?"
"Kinda," she chuckled.
"Well, pawns are the front line basically. Once you start clearing your pawns, you open the board, or frequencies, for the other layers to move, like the knights and the bishops. Once you start understanding that you don't have to move like a pawn, and you see the movements of the other pieces, into those other frequencies, you can start expanding your movement. Eventually working your way up to moving in every direction and being like the queen. That's where we are at. Oh yeah, we're queens."
He smiled at Leo as they did a fist bump.
Fiona giggled, "Ok ladies, whatever floats your boat. I'm hungry, let's have lunch."

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