Misty Man

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The next morning the doorbell rings. Ill get it! Said paris . it was a girl selling girl scount cookies. Would you like to buy cookies? No . paris slams the door and goes back to her room. The doorbell rings again. Ill get it ! Josh said. He opens the door its 2 girls selling girl scout cookies. One says would like to buy some cookies? No not really in the mood. The other girl says buy some cookies or she dies tonight! Huh! Fine ill buy some cookies. Geez and josh shuts the door.

Paris! These girls made me buy cookies from them and if i didnt the other girl would die. Lol josh you stupid they say that all the time. Ohhh ok well im not going to eat them i hate cookies. Gasp.. How do you hate cookies? I just do they are ao nasty and dull. Well my mom is going to have to make you cookies . i guess...

Buzz buzz buzz.. Did you hear that said paris. Yea i think it was my phone. They run up stairs. Message says meet me here at 3 and bring paris. Josh replys back. How do you know paris? We was in the same class and ive been watching you see. Now i got to go see you soon.

Ayy lets go the ride is 2 hours long. They grab their bags and head to the bus stop. They get on the bus and head to the back. Paris turn on the tv while ill charge our phones. What you want to watch. Umm it doesnt matter. Paris doses off after a hour. Wake up paris we are here.

They get off the bus and walk up the hill. The find a row of huge houses. Look at the address again josh so we can know the house. Josh looks at phone. Here it is lets ring the doorbell.
The door slowly opens. Hello? Is anyone here? Come on in. A man says while hes sitting on a couch .

The door closes fast right behind them. Have a seat please the man says as he comes out the dark. Derrick! Paris and josh say at the same time. Yep it's me . Derrick rubs against josh face. Hello paris long time no see! Yea i know. Paris said

What do you want. Josh said. Well first off i been feeling some type of way about you 2 for a few years. After you both neglected me in 7th grade. I started to get revenge. Or to come after you all. But im going to be nice and show you something.

Well what is it? Paris said. Come this way its in this room. Paris and josh follow Derrick to the room. The door closes behind them. All i see is beds. Exactly derrick says. 4 men come out and pick up paris and josh and tie them to the bed.

What no what are you doing with us! Paris said. Your going to be here for while. My moms going to worry and come to look for us. Paris said. No i dont think so i texted her and told her your staying at josh aunts house. I dont even have a aunt! I know and Derrick walks out. I will see you later guys....

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