The enemy

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I couldn't sleep the whole night. Most of the time I laid awake in my bed. I could not believe what had just happened. I knew from the moment that I saw Luca inside of the club that there was something between us.

When I woke up the next morning from the maybe two hours of sleep that I got, I was scared for the first time in years. I did not wanted to look Luca in the eyes again after what had just happened. But I knew that I needed to talk to my father about some things.

I changed into another pair of dark blue dress pants and opted for a white crop top. I left my room and made my way down stairs into the kitchen. My father was sitting at the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee.

"Alexia, you are up early" he said, when I poured myself a coffee too and sat down next to him. I added two backs of sugar and took a sip. "Could not sleep" I said. I tried not to call him dad, because I did not wanted to rush things further me and him.

He nodded and raised his gaze again after a few moments. "I told Luca already to meet me in my office in a few minutes, I would like to talk to the both of you about who is after me and maybe that is the same person who is after Luca" my dad said.

We finished our coffees and then made our way toward his office together. Luca met us on the way and only a few moments later we were sitting in front of my father desk in his office. I had not looked at Luca again, but I knew that he was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt which hugged his upper body perfectly.

It was hard not to stare while I knew now what was under it. I remembered the way his hot skin felt against my fingertips. The way his abs tensed when my finger brushed over them and the way I could feel the small scars on his torso.

I believe he had a few tattoos too, but I could nit see them clearly in the dark. "In the last few year I have had a few attacks on my warehouses, nothing serious but enough to raise my suspicion. I had my eyes on someone named Victor Invanof. He is nobody big, so I know that he works for someone."

My father pulled out a folder from one of his drawers and placed it in front of Luca. "Victor was seen in New York on the day that alexia here should have killed one of your men. He had 20 people with him from what I know" Luca went through the folder and his brows pulled together.

"I do not know who Victor works for but he wants me dead and he wants you dead Luca. So we should work together" my dad placed another folder in front of me.

"That is my bank account, how did you get that" I asked him. "One of my men tracked one of Victors accounts to yours, he was the one to pay you to kill one of his men. I had a few of my men in manhattan ask around and they told me that whispers were around town that someone was going to kill Luca DeAngelo"

"What should we do to find out who it is" Luca asked my dad. "I'm not sure, I will have to talk with Ace, maybe we can get our list of enemies together and find out if there is any connection. I just wanted to talk to you guys before i contact Ace" Luca nodded and closed the folder again.

"I will have Alex contact one of our best guys, maybe he can find more on this Victor" My dad nodded at Lucas words and Luca got up. With one more glance at me he left the office.

"What is going on between the two of you" he asked me and my eyes met his. "Nothing" I said a little bit too fast. "Nothing?" My dad asked and I nodded. "I will choose to believe you this time" he said smiling to himself . "You know when I first met your mother I would have said the same, until I realised that I really liked her. The month we spend together was the best month of my life" he smiled sadly.

"After my wife died I felt sad, I knew that I did not loved her, but still. Our marriage was arranged and when I then met your mother everything started to fall into place." It made me happy to see my father talk like this about my mother.

I had always kind of dreamed about meeting him and having the perfect family, but nothing came close to how it really was. I just wished my mother was here and could see this.

"Thank you" I whispered and brushed away the small tear before she could even roll down my cheek. "I'm so sorry sweetheart that you had to find her there, I'm so sorry she died because of me." Tears welled up in his eyes too and I got up and threw my arms around his neck.

"It's not your fault, I'm just glad that I now know you Dad" I whispered. My father pulled in a sharp breath and smiled. "I know I have not know you that long, but I love you alexia, just the same as your brothers"

"I love you to Dad" I whispered and let go of his neck. "I'm spending my morning with Nico, I'm just waiting fur him to wake up" I said and smiled as I walked toward the office door. "Have fun" dad said and smiled at me while I closed his office door behind me.

I'm going to get to know my family and then I'm going to help Luca kill who ever is responsible for any of this. After that we will have enough time to find out what is between me and Luca.

I closed my eyes for a moment taking a dead breath, before I walked toward the living room again. I will just wait until Lucas father answers and we can make a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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