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School was great. Again. Me and Lily stayed a bit longer for our Projekt and after that I went to her house. We had already planned to eat dinner together and then I would make the short walk toward my home.

Lily only lived like five minutes away from me. Her mother had cooked fur the night and we all sat together at the table eating the delicious food she made. Lilys mother always commented that I looked like I was from Spain, which was weird because my mother was not from Spain actually.

I thought that maybe my father was from Spain, but I did not know that for sure and I never asked my mother about it. I hugged Lily goodbye and made my way toward my house. Listening to some Musik over my phone.

Tomorrow me and Lily would need to present our project and if I get in A in it, I will be able to graduate with in the next three to four months. Mom always said it was great that I was so good in school and that she could not imagine were I got that from.

She was just a regular secretary for one of the firms around here, but I knew that she always tried her best. I pulled my keys out and opened the door. It was not locked completely, so mom must be home already.

"Mom" I yelled after I opened the door and turned on the lights in the house. I took of my shoes and my jacked before pulling out one of my earphones. "Mom" I yelled again, yet no answer.

When I think back to the way I reacted I should have known that something was off then and jetzt I did not. Everything seemed normal that day and who would have ever thought to come home to their mother lying there in her own blood.

There is one thing that I always kept to myself, I never told the police I never told any one.

I made my way into the living room and nearly let out a scream. In front of the fire place someone was lying on the floor, when I got closer the smell of iron filled my nose. "Mom" I asked with a small voice.

"Baby" she said, turning her head toward me. She got shot in the chest. "Shit, mum I'm going to call an ambulance" I said, turning to run toward the door to get my phone which I placed there.

"Alexia, baby, I- I need- too" she tried, but she was too tired to say enough. I got down next to her and took her hand. "Baby, the fire place" and with that her eyes closed. I cried and yelled for her to come back. She never did.

I was not sure for how long I stayed there before I called the police and I did not remember anything that happened after that.

The house was worn down. The paint was peeling and the garden was a big mess. I remember that day so clearly until the moment the police came. My mother was lying there and i lost her. She died in front of my fucking eyes.

The said that she was shot right next to the heart, it could not kill her directly, so she must likely acted dead while the person who did this searched the house after whatever he was looking for. Luca stood next to me and Alex stood behind us.

"Alexia" Luca said and I jumped. I did not realise that he was talking to me. "Can you open the door" he asked, his voice much softer than I have her heard him talk. "Uhm, I- yes, wait" I said and pulled out my old keys. They reminded me of the day it happened.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and onto the front porch. The door opened with a small crack and I pushed it open.

"Did anything was removed or so" Alex asked, after stepping inside behind me and ace. "No" I said. "Where do you believe we could find something on who could have murdered her" Luca asked.

"Uhm? Her office maybe?" I said and showed them the way. It took around two hours for us to go through all the things that were left here and we did not find anything. "Take a break alexia" Luca ordered and I just nodded.

I was not in the right place of mind to disobey him with this. His son voice made it even harder for me. I left the office and pushed open the wir my old bedroom. The colour of my wall was light purple and my bookshelf stood there without anything in it.

I send people to pack up my things after I moved to New York. I told them to only go into this room. I closed the door behind me again and made my way down the stairs. With a little bit of hesitation I stepped into the living room.

Everything was untouched. But my memories did not fool me. I could still se my mother lying there and I could still smell the blood. "Baby, the fire place"

It rand inside my head. I never thought about it, but she wanted to tell me something important and she only got those words out. "Luca, Alex" I yelled. I heard footsteps and then I felt a warm body next to mine.

Lucas smell filled my nose and I turned toward them. "When I came home that day i did not find my mum dead. She was still alive. I never told anyone that, because saying that she was dead was so much easier at the time. But she said one thing to me. She said she needed to tell me something and then said "baby, the fire place". I think there might be something" I told them.

My eyes meet Lucas blue ones and his gaze softened. "We never used it since we lived here" I told them. "So maybe she hid something there so nobody would find it" Alex finished.

We all looked at each other and Alex raised his hands. "I'm gonna look" he said, without beging asked. He knelled in don't of the fire place and reached his hand inside. Probably feeling if something was out of place.

After a few minutes he pulled his hand back with an envelop. "What is that" I asked taking it from him. "Can I open it" I asked both of them. Luca nodded. I opened the envelope, pulling out and letter.

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