Wife material

530 14 2

Alexia Lucía Hernandez

I was eating my pizza happily while twirling my knife around. I was getting extremely bored, I thought he wouldn't take that long to get to me. Right as I took another slice my door was kicked open. "You dump idiot, Mio dio, you Italians don't know how to knock" I yelled at the first guy who walked inside.

Eight really big and tall men walked inside my apartment. I smiled at Dimitri as I was stuffing my face with pizza. A guy walked in, he was not the boss, he was not Luca. He smirked when he saw me reaching gut another slice of pizza. "And who might you be" I asked.

He laughed and then looked at the door. There he was. Solid 6,3 or 6,4 of muscles and hotness entered my living room, the guy from the club. The one I couldn't stop starring at. "You have extremely dump guards, maybe kill them and get new ones" I said, reaching for my last slice of pizza.

I looked at it and wiped the corner of my eyes. "You were so delicious, i will miss eating you, because now I have to get up and make a new one, but you know pizza, I've got guest, but they don't get pizza."

I could hear the guy from earlier laughing his ass off at me talking with my pizza. "Shut up Alex" Luca said. "Yeah, shut the fuck up Alex" I mimic him, eating my pizza. "Mio dio, I have found you a wife" Alex yelled and I fake gagged. "Idiot, I wanted to enjoy my very last piece of pizza, for now" I yelled at him. "Totally your wife, so Luca wife Material" the Alex guy said, laughing again.

"Shit the fuck up" Luca said again, taking a seat in one of my comfy armchairs. "Yeah Alex, shut up" I said back after finishing my slice of pizza. I moved to get up, but I was held down by two strong hands, nearly crushing my shoulders.

My left eye twitched when I felt his hand on my shoulders and my hand inched toward the knife at my right. Stapping who ever was behind me in his arm. The guy let out a yelp and let go of me.

I turned around, placing me knees on the couch and leaning over it, ging Alex and Luca a very good view of my ass. "Don't touch me again if you want to keep your hand" I said, smiling at him, before turning toward Alex and Luca again.

Alex was laughing while Luca looked more unimpressed. Luca sat down in one of my armchairs, leaning lightly back. His whole presence screamed Mafia Don, from the way he was dressed in a black site to the way he was more relaxed than any of the guys.

The vibes coming from him made me want to run and jump in his arms. He looked at me, dark blue eyes, as dark as the pacific in this light locked to my light brown ones.

Alex stood next to the armchair Luca was sitting in. I figured their constellation out pretty fast. Luca was the son, more powerful and cruel than any of them. Alex, the second in command, I believe his best friend.

Otherwise he wouldn't be talking to Luca like he is.

Dimitri, most like head guard, one of the guards always around Lucas. That's why someone wanted him dead. It's easier to kill your actual target if his guard is dead.

Dimitri and Alex were both looking at me, I think Alex was trying to figure me out while Dimitri was checking me out.

"Stop looking at her tits" Luca yelled, causing me to jump. My eyes meet his and I could hear Dimitri moving back wards. Lucas eyes were still fixed in him, before I started to move around uncontrollably.

His eyes snapped toward me and something inside them changed. I couldn't stop looking at him, he was simply just beautiful. I never thought I would say that about a man, but he was beautiful. I don't even know how to describe it, but something about him seemed just not humanly possible.

I wonder what he would look like without a shirt on. He surely had a six pack, I could already guess that much. I didn't realise that I was so fixed at Luca instil Alex clears his throat, which made me jump and made luca turn toward him.

"Sorry, I surly did not wanted to stop you checking each other out thing but we are here for a reason" Alex said, which made Luca snap back into what ever mode he came here.

"Who send you?" He asked, his voice deep and dark. I started to shiver, I already heard before that Mafia men had this voice they used when they wanted to cause fear, but i never experienced it my self.

Luca wasn't scarring me, his voice so deep and dark was literally turned me on and I hated that. I hated him. My eyes turned dark too and I leans back looking at him.

"How am I supposed to know" I snapped back, crossing my armes over my chest, pushing my breast up to. His eyes flickered down and back up toward me, I was attracting him as much as he was attracting me.

Luca looked at me before getting up. Alex looked confused, much more than I was. "Take her" Luca said a before I knew it, two guard where grabbing me while another one was taking all of my weapons.

I looked shocked at Luca, getting angry. Right as I wanted to fight back a white cloth was placed over my moth and nose and I just wanted to scream.

"Shit, Luca, what are you doing" I heard Alex saying as my eyes started to close. When my body went lip I heard him again. "You mum is going to fucking murder you" Alex said and then the world turned black.

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