Chapter 1: School Is Hell

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Gerard POV 

 "Mr. Way, you are failing science class!" Mr. Parker said.

 As you can see, I'm fucking failing science class, great. Just fucking great! Mr. Parker kept talking as I looked outside. It had started to rain. Hard. I should of believe the weather man. 

 "Mr. Way! Are you listening to me?" Mr. Parker said. 


 "Well, I said you're getting some help from a student. I'm pairing you up with my intelligent student," Mr. Parker kept babbling. 

 "Just get to the point and tell me who it is," I said putting my hands on my hips. 

 "I'm pairing you up with Blaze Loya," Mr. Parker said. 

 Blaze Loya. She's my first best friend. We've been friends since kindergarten. She has these pretty cafe brown eyes that sometimes reminded me of coffee. 

 I've been having a crush on her since, I don't know, seventh grade.

 The best part is that she has a wonderful personality and great fucking taste in music. 

 Let me describe her. 

 She has pretty black hair. Short but long. Whenever I look into her eyes, I get lost in them. She's about 5'4. Blaze has tan-ish skin. Well, tan but it hasn't seen sunlight. 

 Blaze hates the sun. She hisses at it and curses it. Sometimes I call her a Vampire because come on, the girl hisses and curses at the motherfucking sun!

 She usually wears dark colored clothing and a lot of bracelets, which I find pretty strange. 

 I once asked her why she had on so many bracelets. Blaze stuttered when she said it was just fashion. She then said she had to leave back home and ran off. 

 I was suspicious that day and to this day, too. 

 The only reason why Mr. Parker paired me up with Blaze is because she is fucking smart! Like, she's the only one in the whole class that has an A in science. Plus, she's an honor roll student. 

 "Got that Mr. Way?" Mr. Parker said. 

 "Got it. Can I leave now?"


 I headed out to the door and into the hall. I started heading to my locker. 

 As I pass, jocks kept tripping me and shoving me. 

 Fuck you! I thought in my head. 

 I heard some girls talking shit. 

 "The emo girl, Blaze. I heard she cuts her writs." Said a blonde bitch named Kelly. 

 "I heard she was Satanic, too," said a brunette bitch named Jessica. 

 "The poor little emo is going to die young. Oh wait, who cares about that dyke!" Said Kelly. 

 "Bitch," I mumble to myself. 

 As I pass down to the hall, then made a right turn, I saw the group of bitches. They call themselves the 'Hot A's'. Really bitch. 

 "Blaze is a fat whore." Said the blonde bitch all dressed in pink named Ashley. 

 "She needs to loose some weight. I mean, she probably weights around five hundred pound!" Said another blond bitch named Amanda. 

 "I heard she slits her wrists. I hope she dies soon." Said a brunette bitch name Adriana. 

 I sigh. Blaze and I usually deal with this shit. This high school is full of bitches, whores, jock, and fucking assholes. 

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