Chapter 5: Heartbroken

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Gerard POV

 I walk home with Mikey in silence. Once home he spoke. 

 "When are you going to tell her," Mikey said crossing his arms. 

 "What?" I said.

 "Blaze. When are you going to tell Blaze you love her, Gee?" Mikey said. 

 "What. Pff, as if. I only like her as a friend." I said making sure it didn't look obvious. 

 "I seen the way you look at her, dude! You like her and you know it!" Mikey said with a smile. 

 "What if I do like her?" I said crossing my arms. 

 "Then, I'll say 'I knew it' and make a speech at your wedding on how you crushed on her since 7th grade!" Mikey said. Was it really fucking obvious!? 

 "Fine. How the fuck did you know!?" I asked.

 "Gerard, I'm your brother. I know when you like someone," Mikey said.

 "Fine. You win," I said and he smiled. 

 "I know." Mikey said and left to his room. 

 I went back to my room and started to draw a vampire. I remembered when vampires were consider scary, now since they put out the book Twilight , every girl wants to date a vampire now, don't they. 

 I sighed. Why would Blaze want to date me? I am hideous! I'm so pale and I don't even look like those Hollister or American Eagle guys. Not even close! 

 But Blaze likes someone else. It broke my heart when she said she liked a guy. He probably looks better than me. Everyone does actually. 

 I finish the drawing and get a call. I look at the caller ID and it's Blaze. 

 "Hey B!" I said. 

 "What up, Geezy!" Blaze said happily over the phone. I can hear in her voice she is smiling. 

 "Here, drawing, you?" I said.

 "You'll never believe what just happen!" Blaze said.


 "You know Hayley right," Blaze said.

 "Yeah," I said. 

 "She said she likes me and then kissed me! Now we're together!" Blaze said. 

 That really fucking hurt. Blaze and Hayley are now going out together. I guess she really wouldn't like me at all. 

 But Blaze and Hayley rarely talk to each other. Not since Blaze met Miranda today and turns out Hayley and Miranda are cousins. 

 "W-wow! T-that's great! I'm happy for you, Blaze," I said hidding my sadness in my voice. 

 "Yeah. Hey, stop by my house in an hour. Okay?" Blaze said. 

 "Yeah. See you then," I said. 

 "Bye, Gee," Blaze said and we both hanged up. 

  I sighed and got out of the damn school uniform. Fuck my life. I need to get over Blaze now. Blaze has Hayley, right. I lay on my bed and started to cry. 

 I really hate love. I hated that I love Blaze. She probably friendzone me. She'll never love me the way I love her. 

 I sighed and wipe away the tears and head to the fridge. I grab a couple of beers that Dad had and drank them quickly. 

 I went to my room and passed out on the floor of my bedroom. 

Blaze POV

 I sighed after the phone call with Gerard. 

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