Chapter 8: Prom

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Blaze POV

  I put on my black and red dress. Yes. I am going to prom. I know you're going to say I'm a hypocrite for going to prom when I dislike it. But honestly, Gerard asked me to be his date to prom. No way was I going to say no to that.

  I put on my black flats and put on red lipstick.

 "You look great, Blaze," Jennifer said. 

 "Thank Jenn. You look fine yourself." I said. 

 Jennifer had a blue long dress. It suits her.

 "Ew, the emo is going to prom." Carlos said as he saw me all dressed up.

 "Shut up, Carlos! Her name is Blaze!" Jennifer said.

 Jennifer has been nice to me lately. She even defends me when her friends make fun of me.

 "What ever Jenn," Carlos hissed and left to his room.

 "Don't worry, Blaze. He's just mad that he can't go to prom." Jennifer said and walked to me.

 She did my hair. It looked cute. 

 "You tell Gerard how you feel about him," Jennifer whispered in my ear.

 "How the fuck did you know!" I said.

 "Every since Gerard asked you to be his date to prom, rumors of how he was going to make a move on you spread like wild fire. Heck, even the teachers know the rumors of how much you like him." Jennifer said.

 "Oh fuck. Curse Mr. Parker. Now I know why he made me Gerard's tutor." I mumble.

 Jennifer laughs.

 "Everyone knows okay." Jennifer said. 

 "Girls! The guys are here!" Mom yelled.

 We made our way to the living room. I saw Gerard. He had a tuxedo and a new hair cut. I got to admit, he looks beautiful tonight. Wait, he always does. 

 Mikey looks nice too. Oh, did I tell you that I made Jennifer ask Mikey out to prom since he was too shy to do it himself.

 "Look at my girls!" Mom said.

 "Mom!" We both said.

 "Sorry. Hold up, Jesus! Bring the camera!" Mom yelled at Dad.

 "Alright, alright. I got it here." Dad said giving the camera to Mom. 

 We took a couple of pictures. 

 As we left Dad call us. 

 "No funny business!"

 "Shut up, Jesus!" Mom said.

 Yep. That was their relationship. They like to say 'shut up'. 

 We made it to the school. The prom was at the gym. The gym was pretty big, so it was fine. The theme of the prom was 'A Night To Remember'. How funny, take out 'Night' and replace it with 'Day' and you have A Day To Remember. 

 Sorry. I like to relate things with bands...

 After an hour of being in the gym with a whole bunch of us dancing. Gerard and I went to go sit down. Mikey and Jennifer kept dance on. 

 "How can they dance for so long," Gerard asked.

 "Beats me," I said.

  The music was fine. They play more pop songs. They play a couple of All Time Low and The Ready Set. Which I was perfectly fine with. 

 "Want to get some fresh air?" Gerard said. 

 "Yeah, the room is too stuffy," I said and we both headed outside.

 I swear I felt people looking at us as we made our way to the door.

 We sat at a bench in front of the field. The field is right in front of the gym. We wern't the only ones there.

 "Well. Thanks for asking me to prom," I said with a smile.

 "No problem," Gerard said. 

 I took a deep breath. 

 "So. Are you going to tell me now?" I asked.

 "No. I can't tell you," Gerard said.

 "Why not?" I said standing up. 

 Other people start to come outside now. Actually,  a lot of them. I know they're pretending to mind their own business, but I mean come on!

 "Because I said so!" Gerard said and stood up. 

 "So you don't trust me?" I said.

 "I do!" 

 "Well, not you don't since you can't tell me who your crush is!" I said.

 "Blaze, I trust you. I do." 

 "Then why don't you tell me who's your crush! Or are we friends at all," I asked. 

 There was silence. I can tell some people are paying attention now.

 "Just for get it," I said and started to walk away. 

 Gerard grabbed one of my wrist.

 "Wait!" He said.

 "What," I snapped and faced him.

 Gerard cup my face. I looked at his hazel eyes. At first I had no idea what the fuck he's doing. But then he presses his lips against mine.

 I kiss him back. His lips are soft against mine. I can hear aw's from everyone. I wrap my arms around his neck and Gerard puts his hands on my hips. 

 I then hear people clapping. I don't care if they bet or not, Gerard is kissing me!

 We both pull back and rest our heads against each others.

 "Because you're the crush. I love you, Blaze," Gerard said.

 "I love you, Gerard."

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